i'm gunna liiive out my life untaaaamed~!! ♪ FIGHT! FIGHT! ☆☆

Oct 21, 2010 14:22

this may not actually be a secret these days, but... i have had a couple of PS3 games sitting forlornly in my room for several months now, ahaha. *_______*; but no console. I GOT TO PLAY THEM ON SUNDAY. ♥ (well, one of them. :D :D but i will be getting the other one back from the sister's boyfriend soon enough, hurhur~)


they actually... expect you to know what you're doing. which was a bit heartbreaking for me (and karen, who ran out of time on a mission trying to JUMP UP A LEDGE, LOL)... but um. |DD overall, obscene amounts of win. the opening sequence, it is so HD YOU CAN SEE LU BU'S PORES. (←plus point!?)

thank you so much for chipping in you guyyssss~ ;_________________; ♥ (←the people who did somehow includes my mother and sisters, ahaha. because karenshoes is la prima donna de organizare.)

though it seems i only have so many tech points to allocate to my life. xD to counter this shiny new console, my computer is being downgraded. as it stands i'm currently using my daddy's several-years-old laptop as a unit, plugged into my monitor. but he needs it back for reasons unbeknownst to me, and so i will be moving into the little sister's several-years-older other laptop at some stage...? :3 oh well~. at least i'll get asian language inputs back when i reformat. 8DD

last week was a random photoshoot thinger at lain's. :0 this week, melcospho4 and hetalia day, wheee~ :D/ (well. xD; not quite whee yet. korea remains unfinished. japan has pants but no jacket. ahaha. ♥ but i am sure it will be done.) um. i've also gotten back into scanlation editing recently. *____* with a few very amusing projects-some for fandoms i'm not even in, but well. xD; claude/sebastian will never not be funny.

also speaking of scanlations (kinda), HI GUYS FROM THE MUSOU MEME. 8DD and also from my writing journal~♥ actually this place of mine is pretty boring 'cause i tend to post direct to comms and such. but let's all get along~! \o/

[edit] also the house behind us is gone (well, one of the houses. *_* our plot is weird and we have seven neighbours, LOL). 8D it only took them two days bringing in the bulldozers and crap, even if they were at the groudrape from asshole o'clock in the morning. impressive demolition! sadly no explosions, but then again koei is not life. :0

arbitrary obnoxious yodelling, mansaeee!!, major a+, dynasty dickery, procrastination station, idiocy is a team sport

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