condense and format nineteen pages of parenting 'survival guide'... into an A5 booklet. "with pictures. ♥ cute babies." ORLY, BOSS. sobface. there is never enough time. i only work one day a week, wtf. NOT ENOUGH TIME, KTHX. 8D
in other news, i've been capped for like the past bit. xD and capped at my place means like, icons barely load. sooo~ \o/ haven't been online. (MOSTLY, I AM ANNOYED THAT AUSTRALIA STILL EVEN HAS DOWNLOAD LIMITS WTF. xD) in any case, the data refreshed today. :DDD and the first thing i watched was natrually ABOUT FAINTING GOATS. courtesy of of course.
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jkjkejksjker i have never been so amused by animals as-wait, i have once before. by
this bbc article. ←which ftr i re-found by googling "SHEEP ARTICLE DIE CLIFF". 8D the fainting goats are far less tragic though. xD i'm surprised they haven't been bred for domestic pets. HOURS OF ENTERTAINMENT FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY JKJKJKKJKWE.
in other news, i am getting a wicked/hilarious haircut from one of my cert3 fellows who is entering a competition. 8D *going to model, hurhur* it's half done atm, so will see how it looks after tomorrow. |Db *EXCITED* IT HAS BEEN TOO LONG FOR MONTHS. \o/ yayyy~ um. and otherwise samurai warriors 3 and cosplay have been eating my time. :'D heisuke is going to be done soon. i started stenciling the patterns onto his yukata today, so. sooon~ soon soon~ /o/ but lu xun can just jump off a cliff and die jkjkjke.