No, I'm not dead. No,
the plane did not crash a-la-Lost. I'm sorry it's taken me so long to update. We've had a problem with the IT department at the school, and our access to most things, like Hotmail, have been blocked (cause you know, contacting your family and friends is SOOOOOOO over-rated).
Huzzah for England! It's not as cold as I thought it would be. I was expecting blizzardy type weather, but so far it's just been a bit nipply.
About 90% of my work is involved with the PE deparment, helping out with classes. We also do a bit of IT and Admin work.
Because my mind has turned to mush, here are some random details:
- I'm one of four GAP students - and I'm the only girl
- I'm about a 40 minute drive north of London
- The students have to call me 'Miss', which I'm still getting used to
- In my second week here I had to break up an almost-fist fight
- In the third week, a Year 7 girl passed out in the toilets and I had to carry her unconscious (a-la-The OC) through the hallways
- It seems that every single British boy is called Ollie (Oliver), Charlie, Henry, Harry, Ben or Jack
- English rain is very quiet
- The streets of London are quite filthy. The ground is covered in gum.
- I was going to go to U2, The Killers and Babyshambles concerts, but they sold out almost straight away.
I can't really think of much more to say. I know that's not much at all, but I'm pretty damn tired at the moment and I can't think of anything informative or witty to say.
I hope that all is well with everyone on my friends list. I'll try my best to get in and say hello to you all - but I can't make any promises. Our internet access is quite limited. If there are swear words or "inappropriate" content, the page doesn't come up. Take care everyone.
Keep on trucking.