Despite appearances, having such a heavy smoke haze over Melbourne still this late in the day actually indicates that rather than the unstable weather conditions predicted (very strong winds, high convection columns - which are very nasty and condusive to extreme fire beaviour) we in fact have had very little wind and certainly not the predicted strong, hot northerly we were fearing.
Image from yesterday:
(from The Bureau of Meteorology has now changed their weather estimates for today and conditions are likely to be no where near as bad as were expected. So we have been given a reprieve of sorts for this weekend.
Hmmm perhaps I posted that too soon ... things are very busy locally and I'm about to head back to my fire station for the second time as there's a developing fire in Cranbourne South that has potential. Unfortunately temps are now in the 40s with relative humidity down around 5% (v v v v v v v v v v v bad) in the west of the state.
We have now been informed that the weather bureau has send the change might not come through till tomorrow making it the day of concern. In addition Thursday is looking like a horror day as well (on current estimates that is). Apparently the Bureau consider today a success and state that their estimates were 80% correct!!!!! HA!
Needless to say, the fire agencies are going to be very busy over the next few months and these fires in Gippsland will continue to burn until the next heavy rains which, in all likelihood, will not be for months.
Edit @ 1610hrs - tomorrow will be a Total Fire Ban for the entire state.