yesterday was friday...i worked 930-5. then i went to lizs house, for it was her bday. which she def would not let you forget. we "played" outside for a little with laura and then we went in. blahblahblahdrama. really ghey. then we went for a walk. i called sophia and she happened to be driving past us haha. we continued to walk, to sophias house where she gave us the leftover cookies she made, cause thats all were worth is semi-burnt (but not really) leftovers :p haha jk. but i love her fat kitties. and her claw haha. kyle, kiernan and that boy picked us up, we brought sophia to her car and wet to lizs to wait for rosanne. kiernan played ninja in the backyard(or something). but as long as he didnt pee on any religious statues i guess its alright. rosanne came, we left. to riccardis for food and chelsea. then to julians for like 5 seconds till his dad was mad that 34468870 people were in his house. then we went to hannahs and cumberlands. where tina andy and tinas bf were and the man behind the register was pretty lovely haha. rosanne loves cheetos. hung out. back to lizs for the night where rosanne and liz stayed up till 5am laughing at the top of their lungs and waking me up every 5 seconds. i dunno how sammie slept through it! but me and chels sure didnt. woke up to lauras little loud mouth and lizs mom making us muffins. i lover her, who just makes tons of muffins at 10am for a bunch of losers. they were realy good too. went to get coffee. got meghan. shes so nice. i like hanging out with her. then went to panera. yummy iced green tea and chocolate hazelnut bagel. and we went to neds point and sat on rocks and it was nice out. then we went back to sammies so she could shower "really fast" haha. watched thirteen in the process. and then liz had to go home and i had to get my stuff and i didnt know if sophia still wanted to get MCR tickets so i went to lizs and left when my mother got out of work. and then i came home and fell asleep for like 4 hours and woke up and an hour later here i am...picture time? ocourse. theres more from my real camera(i think).
collins just playing dead.
whoever collin is...i dont know that boy.
we havent had our pool party. ive yet to really go to the beach or swimming ALL summer. thats kind of ghey. but whatever. nakitas number this pool party with the four of us needs to get goinggg. im bored now, i should sleep i have to get up at 8am again i think. but i dont think ill be able to sleep anyway. i cant wait for nintendo fusion and i really wanna see mcr again now since apparently its only $10. sophia likes to get my hopes up. i wish shed go to nintendo fusion with us, i have a feeling her and chelsea would get a long well haha. this has been quite and uneventfull summer. until those random nights where i feel like im in the twilightzone with some of the stuff that happens. i dunno if thats good or bad but i miss school. mostkly cause i HATE work and the more school i have the less work. italy money is not comming so fast now. i spent my last two checks on my camera and warped tour. then i took money out of the bank to go school shopping. not good, the next two or three weeks of work before school will have to be all for italy. italy...its gonna come so fast once school starts. canttttttttttttttttttttttt wait.