So... I don't know what to think about this Dalton-storyline. I mean I liked most of it, because, come on, there was Blaine looking at Kurt like he would like to take him right then and there and tearing up over his solo. BUT then there was this other Blaine who told Kurt not to try so hard and team spirit and whatsit. and there are the Warblers who are the most awesome bunch of people in fandom and terrible douchebags in canon (at least for now). But let's start at the beginning, shall we.
Lol, at the slow-mo hallway by the way. (Also Chris Colfer in uniform=pure sex)
I love how happy and excited Kurt seems when he enters the room. Only to be crushed in about 5 seconds. Way to start something show. It would have been nice to see him happy for at least a day before he realized (preferably slowly) that Dalton was not heaven after all. Nope, let's show us right away why he won't be able to fit in, how no one (but Blaine) understands his jokes, how his ideas are not exactly welcomed. I mean I didn't expect the Warblers to just say yes to everything he says right away or even give him a solo, but a little bit less condescension would have been nice.
The joke was hilarious by the way. They seriously need to grow some sense of humor.
I loved the fact that Blaine came after him and it was a nice little flashback to NBK, the stairs and all. Also I'm pretty sure the only reason why Kurt got a chance to even try out for a solo was because of him. So that's a big plus right there. Which was absolutely fucking perfect by the way.
LOOK AT BLAINE. if that's not falling in love than nothing is.
And here comes the strange part and someone should really explain this to me because I don't get it. (I get the general idea behind it, the fact that they have to make Kurt realize that he was happier at his old school, free and whatevs.) What I don't get is the way they're using Blaine for this.
It's one thing that the Warblers didn't like the song/didn't want to give him the solo so soon or whatever. But why the hell is Blaine acting like this with Kurt, when no one else is there? What's up with this trying too hard business, uniforms and team spirit? It's a solo, it's supposed to have some personality in it. And okay, maybe he's just trying to protect him, you know, like he wants him to fit in like Blaine did and it is probably leading to some big realization on Blaine's part that he really isn't that happy there either and will ultimately lead to him leaving with Kurt to ND, BUT. rigth now it would have been nice to see some understanding on his part. How it is hard for Kurt (impossible, really) to lose his style and his enthusiasm (why they would want it is beyond me). And maybe later we will also see how Blaine went through this himself... but right now it just felt a bit odd and out of place, out of character... for me at least.
I hate this song so much but Darren made it awesome so kudos for that. Also love stagemom!Rachel and Kurt was just perfectly uncomfortable and shy so no complaints here:P
Okay, so I kind of see where we are going with this, birds and cages, very symbolic and all. But it's still a cage for both of them, so... we'll see. Also there was leaning in and knee touching so overall I'm a happy camper:)
I hope we get our Christmas present next week:)