
Jul 14, 2009 03:18

[ After a thorough inspection of the home, he's none too happy with his findings. However, he manages to keep the irritation out of his tone, disguising it instead with a slightly curious, almost bored one. ]

Huh. You know, I don't think suits are really my thing.

What gives?

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hugs_arent_free July 14 2009, 15:27:16 UTC
Well you can't very well go to work in your pajamas. What kind of impression would that make?


firaga July 14 2009, 21:45:22 UTC
A bad enough one to get me off the hook, if I play my cards right.

But do you have any idea what's going on? I missed the memo.


hugs_arent_free July 14 2009, 23:22:14 UTC
I really need to work on those fliers. Most of the people who recognize this town is 'wrong' were kidnapped and brought here like you. Nothing to identify us remains, not even unique abilities or markings. But occasionally the mayor sends out letters that we can trade for stuff we've lost.

This place seems to be modeled after an American town in the 1950's. No one has been able to contact the outside world or leave this town. And people who cause too much of a disturbance are brainwashed into behaving for a few days by the local authorities.


firaga July 15 2009, 05:05:29 UTC
[ A pause while he takes that in, followed by an irritated sigh. ] ...Well, it could be worse. At least I'm not the only one.

No one has been able to leave?


hugs_arent_free July 15 2009, 05:15:34 UTC
Not a soul.


firaga July 15 2009, 10:58:28 UTC

I'm guessing everyone gets the wife-and-kid package, too?

This all sounds like someones idea of a sick joke, if you ask me.


hugs_arent_free July 15 2009, 13:45:27 UTC
Well, in my case it was more of a mother, father, and idiot older brother package. But it does seem like a bizarre joke. Especially since they go out of their way to say we've always been here and yet they return stuff to us that proves we haven't. If it's not a game or an experiment then I'm not sure what their motives could be.


firaga July 15 2009, 20:31:32 UTC
So that's what the pictures are all about?

Who knows? They could just get a kick out of messing with us.


hugs_arent_free July 16 2009, 01:04:44 UTC
Yes. The pictures will change as the members in your family do.

It's quite elaborate for someone just fooling around. I sincerely hope that is not the case because their game has gone on far too long all ready. I'd like to think there is a goal I can achieve to get out of here rather than wait for them to release us on a whim.


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