Oct 05, 2005 17:57
Omg...so many cars...
Ok. On a three block stretch of my street, there is a grand total of 7 houses being built. ALL AT THE SAME TIME!! O.O Three of them just happen to be on the block that I have to drive on to get home after school. Seeing as how West U. is even more incompetant at organizing street repair than Houston, my street just has room for 3 cars side by side...which is annoying since people like to park right accross the street from one another. This is made worst by the 18 wheelers and pickup trucks that make it feel like I am on some sort of driving course >_<
And then there is the fact that on my block, people like to park RIGHT ON THE CORNER ON BOTH SIDES OF THE STREET!! O.o I had to effing wait for someone to pull out of their driveway and get down the street before I could cross.
Kind of a stupid thing to angst about, but...OMGCONSTRUCTION!!! It should die.