what i've been up to

Apr 05, 2012 20:50

Hi again! it's been a while since my last post haha, actually there are many things I want to share (or maybe just express is enough) but I was too lazy to do it earlier or do a day by day post. and right now I'm kind of free & I feel like writing something so here we go! (:
currently i'm into reading and watching stuffs.
*reading: manga's/manhwa's. I recently bought 5 volumes of different mangas (a Kayoru one-shot volume, Goong #25, Yabuuchi Yuu 'First Love Lesson' vol1-2, and Shiiba Nana's Bishounen Moremashaita) and succesfully spent my allowance, geez... there are many mangas that i want to buy too, & have to save money to buy the next ones by the end of the month~ the increase of the price books isn't helping either -__- uhh when I arrive at the bookstore, my to-buy-list seems getting longer and longer...
*watching: k-dramas (Love Rain & Rooftop Prince), Running Man, animes (Chihayafuru, Detective Conan, re-watching Rurouni Kenshin), movies, and i just found out regarding the Avatar 2 the last airbender sequel - The Legend of Korra (: & it's looking good! I'm shipping Makorra already haha, still waiting for the next episodes and i wish that it'll be as good & enjoyable as The Legend of Aang was. /sigh I miss the ALoA characters though ): *just read The Promise part 1.

i also can't wait for Rurouni Kenshin Live Action movie! watched the trailer a while ago and it looks quite promising. I just hope that they'd include the Legend of Kyoto Arc with Shishio & Aoshi and the others since I didn't see any of them in the trailer. since basically that arc is the climax of the entire series. but I saw Saito with his 'gatotsu' and since i just re watched the anime, I know that Saito's appearance is because of the Shishio problem so yeah, there's still some kind of hope. or perhaps they'll make it into two parts? or make a sequel if it turns out good & well-received? I don't know, only time will tell. Oh yeah, Aoshi's actor must be handsome since the one who plays Sano is sorta dissapointing ): sorry. I mean, Sanosuke Sagara is definitely cooler than that! and I was dissapointed that Haruma Miura didn't get casted as Kenshin, since he was one of the most likely candidate too... regardless, I love the Rurouni Kenshin and I wish the movie will live up to the expectations of Ruroken fans.

everyday life

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