Random Post

Aug 07, 2010 11:16

I think i'll be stuck in a long writer's block this year D:D:D:

it have been a month since i last write fics and i dont think i'll be writing any sooner D:
Life been very busy with school and projects and my free time is totally used up because of them (Argh! i hate it!!!! DX)
And everytime i wanted to write there's always something came up. I wouldn't name the people up but for example like my mom, air stewardess, etc....

I still have 'I Pronounce you corpse and wife' with Yunjae still a newly weds and have not make their first love in months (Sad, i know)

And 'Seonsaengneem's Apple'  still in Chapter one even though i have all the scenes playing in my brain. Plus i dont have the exact 'feeling' to put it into words, so it's hard on me to finish it. (Evil writer's Block Demons!!! Go die in hell fire!!! D8<<<)

And i have lots of one-shots waiting for me to finish the very last parts but i give my attentions to tons of homeworks instead. (I wont name the upcoming one-shots yet :x)

And i have another series i wanted to write for Christmas!!!!! DDD8 and i havent even start writing for it yet T_T

Someone PLEASE help me find a way to start writing without these evil obstacles holding me back. I NEED TOKI WO TOMETE!!!!!!! DDD8 (no, not the song but i need to stop time) I wanted to write again...... T_T

... I wonder if my readers already forgotten about my fics? T_T *cries*



I was saving up my money for Bambi's Goodies but something else that is awesome came up....


ehem! well their album title is "The..." and it have 4 tracks of their new songs and a DVD of their THANKS GIVING movie. Here's the list of the song:

-(In Japanese. Cant read!!! DX)
-Get Ready
-Long Way
-(In japanese cant read!!! DX) instrumental
-Get Ready (Instrumental)
-Long Way (Instrumental)
-W (Instrumental)

They look freakin' yummy in their jacket album *licks* I already got SD $50. Where am i going to get all the money to buy the album....? T_T -Ish very patient ;D-

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