Just another update..:P

Aug 15, 2004 00:09

I slept like pig today...was bloody tired from the hectic days, starting from Monday >_<

So Friday arrives as my 2 friends came to my house, they were about to pick me up and then go together as planned. But my lazy ass kept making me to sleep..so I kept sleeping though my maids had told me 2 or 3 times bout them coming.Then I (eventually) got up as my mum yelled at me for ignoring my friend's existence XD.When we got there, I met 6 more friends who went with a cab. It turned out that Dufan's not having a discount (as told by everyone..-_-;) and it opened at 1.30 whereas we thought it was at 11. To kill time, we decided to walk, not having a clue where to go, ended up riding a skyrail which cost 15 thousands rupiah.It was pretty nice though..especially the ones we rode were quite new, so it was clean and cozy inside.As we *finally* got inside Dufan, we started the  adventure by riding the great Kora - Kora! :D I was a bit sick when i rode it..probably becoz of an empty stomach..(really!XD) . Then, the jet coaster!! ^0^ not many ppl came, so it was lucky for us , because usually we would have to wait about 30 minutes of queueing for every rides.After a lunch at McD, we rode "Perang Bintang". It's quite new for Dufan since it was only opened a while ago. Got a score of 10900 for shooting XD it also made my thumb and index sore ^^; Bom bom car was fun too ^_^ and it's a pity that power surge is under renovation... :/

And after that!!The wet part *_* first it was the niagara, and we rode it twice! then the Arung Jeram! I decided not to ride it again coz i was afraid of catching cold (and i didnt bring spare clothes!) ^^; the next stop, Kora - Kora again! XD it was 7 pm and the visitors getting fewer. So it was like..hoorah we can sit in the back! And as the ppl is not so many in the boat..it swung incredibly high..higher than usual O_O; one of the men responsible for the ride were there, riding it too.And he said that it was too high, and also rare coz the it could swing easily, not carrying much weight as usual. But hell, i was pretty scared ( though i pretended to be having so much fun XD) and after the third time we rode it, my friends decided to get away from there as all of us got dizzy  and one girl fainted too...:/ a friend who saw how it swung, told me that it was much much higher than usual >_>; more than 90 degrees..(if u know wat i mean XP)

And finally the last stop!The carrousel!:D We also made fun of the singer accross the ride, by clapping and cheering for him lol.He was a bit irritated i think ^^; so the adventure stopped there..geez it was tiring, but i'd like to do it again! ^_^ so,

pinkfetish , chibishun  when is our group's turn?? XD

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