This past weekend was pretty much all-FFXI.
Friday night I went to The Boyahda Tree to assist Francis with skilling up his sword. I went as BRD to give him double March. I took Feliz out too, to rack up a few kills for him. Skilling up is tedious, but we also watched Iron Man on DVD.
Saturday afternoon, I did the latest Windy[S] quest,
A Feast For
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When you're soloing, don'taru forget that you can set your NPC to "healer" or "soothing healer" mode for some backup healing. Yeah, you take a bit of a hit to your XP, but for me it's a lot easier to level my NPC that way, vs purposely going out just to grind him for a while.
When your fellowship bond is high enough that you can start getting Tactics Pearls, the ??? at Promyvion-Mea is by far the easiest one to solo. Leveling your NPC is a real pain at first, but as he gets higher and higher, he becomes much more useful. At 57, Yarga-Umiga is a valuable farming buddy, and together we duoed Dark Spark for my BLM hands. I plan to eventually take him all the way to 70. :)
Wish I could help you with your BCNM; my RDM is high enough but of course I have no /NIN. All you'd be getting from /NIN is Dual Wield anyway. I'd be willing to go RDM/THF with a Beestinger. At least I'd have one Evasion Bonus job trait, and I do have some lowbee Evasion gear.
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