Random AO3 Meme....

Apr 20, 2021 10:00

Prosy folk like me might recall the recent pros_newsletter #656 - April 05 to 12, which picked up gilda_elise's AO3 Meme, in turn snagged from tinnny

So I thought I'd give it a go too...

1) How many stories have you posted?

According to AO3, that would be 46 posts as things presently stand - although, having both contrary and multi-media tendencies, some posts contain more than one work and not everything is a written fic.

2) In what categories?

According to the AO3 filter, I have used:

Gen 23 times;
M/M 12 times;
Multi once; and
Other once.

Which the eagle-eyed among you will have noticed doesn't add up to 46; this is because I chose not to apply a category to nine of the works.

3) What ratings?

Again, according to the AO3 filter, that would be:

General Audiences 15 times;
Mature 15 times;
Teen And Up Audiences 13 times; and
Not Rated 3 times.

Which does add up to 46 (it's a mandatory field, so no squirming out...).

4) How many fandoms?

Surprisingly, four - who knew? If you'd have asked me, I'd have said two - then possibly I'd have remembered my recent random foray into Lewis - but I think I would have completely forgotten I'd put any Star Trek on AO3. Even presented with the evidence, it took a while to remember I'd posted a couple of drabbles. This is the full breakdown:

The Professionals (TV 1977) 29 posts;
The Man From U.N.C.L.E. (TV) 15 posts;
Lewis (TV) 2 posts; and
Star Trek: The Original Series one post.

Again, the more mathematically minded of you might have spotted that this adds up to 47, this is because I posted a mixed bag of both Pros and ST:TOS drabbles in one post - so, two fandoms, one post, bumping up my AO3 fandom count.

5) How many fandoms where you've written more than 10 stories?

The Professionals (TV 1977) and The Man From U.N.C.L.E. (TV).

I do love the Gaby, Illya thing going on in the 2015 MFU film, but I haven't created any works round it thus far (AO3 or otherwise). One for section7mfu maybe...?

6) Any fandoms where you were the first to post a story for it?


I was an early adopter of Pros FF.Net, but by no means the first, and anyway, this is an AO3 meme.

7) Any fandoms where your story is still the only one posted for it?

Happily, not.

(Or I'd be stuck with reading my own stories, and what a pitiful state of affairs that would be.)

8) How many fandoms that are still Yuletide sized?

So this is where this meme really got interesting for me. I'd never heard of yuletide, it turns out a Yuletide fandom is one where the combined number of stories on AO3 and FF.Net is less than one thousand.

Currently, just on AO3:

The Professionals (TV 1977) has over 3,000 works;
The Man From U.N.C.L.E. (TV) has over 5,000 works;
Lewis (TV) has over 2,000 works; and
Star Trek: The Original Series has over 14,000 works.

Now, I can't guarantee all those works are written fic, in fact, I know they're not, but I think, taking the general spirit of the exercise, the answer must still be: none.

And I further think, henceforth, I will pay more attention to this 'Yuletide' thing.

9) How many fandoms where there are still less than 5000 stories posted for it at AO3?

So, for me, that would be: The Professionals (TV 1977) and Lewis (TV).

10) How many megafandoms (over 50,000 stories posted for the fandom at AO3)?

As others have commentated, not describing Star Trek as a megafandom is a bit like describing a Tyrannosaurus rex as a lizard. But then, there are lies, damned lies, and statistics - and according to the AO3 statistics, I must answer - however bemusedly - 'none'.

11) How many AUs have you written where the settings, occupations, etc are completely changed?

I'd say none, notwithstanding the events of fic like The Long Trick (Pros), or the rather surreal elements of Foxhole (Lewis), or 'origins' fic like A Hill of Beans (Pros), fundamentally, I never stray far from canon.

12) How many canon-divergent and/or canon distorting trope (like soul marks, body swap)+canon AUs have you written?

Nope, nada, again things may be stirred, but never shaken.

Although, I do write slash, which, where it's not canon, I consider to be AU. But I don't think that's where this question was going...

13) How many stories have you written that would require an AO3 content warning?

Well, strictly speaking, none of them require a content warning, because you can choose not to warn, plus not every story I write ends up on AO3, so I don't bother thinking about it for the ones that don't.

But taking the spirit of the question, and since it is an AO3 mandatory box:

Major Character Death has 3 uses;
Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings has 18 uses; and
No Archive Warnings Apply has 25 uses.

Apparently, thus far, I haven't been moved to avail myself of any of the other options.

I was a bit surprised by this, but apparently, even allowing for the 'chose not to' option, I haven't slaughtered as many characters as I thought...

14) What was the shortest number of words you've written?

I assume this means written and then posted to AO3, so - not including text accompanying non-written works - according to AO3, that would be a tie at 68 words between:

Goodbye (Pros); and
Side by Side (MFU TV)

15) How many words in the longest story you've posted?

According to AO3, that would be the aforementioned 'Long Trick' (Pros) at 39,610 words.

16) How many crossover stories have you written?

None; though I have thought about it. Still, none.

17) How many fusion stories have you written?

Like gilda_elise, I had no idea what 'fusion' was, but thanks to a timely intervention by catalenamara in the comments on gilda_elise's post, it turns out this refers to a concept where you basically keep the canon universe but not necessarily the canon characters, swapping things up with those of another fandom.

So, no, I haven't written anything like that.

18) How many RPF stories have you written?

Well, up until very, very recently, I would have said none - but, although not strictly speaking anybody's idea of an RPF, Laurence Fox does put in an appearance in the aforementioned Foxhole (Lewis).

Despite having just watched and enjoyed The Last King of Scotland, I don't normally do Real Person Fic. In fic, I prefer real-life people viewed at a distance from fictional characters unless they have drifted into history. I know not all real-life celebs object to being fictionalised, but it still seems creepy to me. Still, it's a genre, and unless you're a fan of Misery Chastain, probably fairly harmless.

19) How many WIPs and/or series do you have posted?

Like gilda_elise, I don't post WIP. This is because I can get a third of the way into a story, decide it isn't working, and (metaphorically) rip it up and start all over again. When only I've been reading it, no harm done, but if someone else was waiting with bated breath (they might be, you never know), I wouldn't want to disappoint them.

Also, I can take years to finish a WIP, people would die of boredom old age.

I do have some series though, although my definition of 'series' is more anthology-like, or episodic, rather than a serial:

Anthology - A multi-fandom miscellany (currently 3 works);
Dolly Mixture - The Man From U.N.C.L.E. (TV) (currently 6 works);
A Little Verse - The Professionals (currently 4 works); and
Dagenham & The Bay of Naples - The Professionals (currently 3 works).

20) Do you have any fanfic that's completed but not posted to AO3?

Nearly always, sometimes because it's embargoed until a certain date because of a challenge like the Pros Big Bang, which has set posting dates for participants. (Not that you have to post to AO3, but it is encouraged by the Mods because they have a collection there, and I find it handy.) Sometimes because I was never going to post it to AO3 in the first place, for example, apart from two drabbles, all my ST:TOS stuff is currently on FF.Net and, although I may post additional ST:TOS fic to AO3, I have no plans to move anything on FF.Net. And sometimes, like my MFU 'Easter Eggs', it's because they are on Lj and I haven't got round to archiving them yet.

I don't normally cross post, but I do eventually get around to archiving my Lj stuff on AO3. I'm not averse to archiving on FF.Net, but FF.Net doesn't allow explicit material or illustrated fic, and most of my Lj stuff is either illustrated or too explicit (don't get excited, I have no illustrated explicit fic on Lj, or anywhere else for that matter, sadly, it's an either or job - if 'job' is the word I'm looking for in this context...).

the man from u.n.c.l.e, lewis, meme, star trek, the professionals

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