Mr Kapusta - August 2020 to January 2021 Update

Jan 30, 2021 10:00

So I thought it was about time I did another Kapusta update (I'm not feeling too great at the moment, this is a scheduled post, and having already drafted it, I didn't want to cancel. Please bear with if I'm a bit slow in responding to any comments).

This year Lj gifted me with this assessment of my inadequacy:


Work is still a work in progress, sucking endless time away from my personal life, such as it is, but, although there are still some wobbles, I'm mostly in a better place within myself (despite a random repetitive strain injury) - so I'm trying to focus on that as a good thing.

Still (yes, I know, still!) migrating junk from old computer to new computer, which is proving quite a job - turns out I have a lot of junk, who knew?



Read more fic (noblesentiments and mfu_shortstorie)

I couldn't have been more more jubilant - all my RSS feeds spontaneously kicked in again - didn't even need to raise a ticket - the last one to turn up was my AO3 Pros feed, just in time for the BB. Colour me chuffed!

So in celebration of this, and my improving concentration levels, I thought it might be fun to make a list of what I'd been reading, but then I read things and forgot to record them, so now I have set up a word doc so I can remember what I read and what I thought of it - but, to be going on with, here are a few things from my inadequate mental notebook:


Man From U.N.C.L.E.:

The Professionals:


2019 Pros BB WIP - I've unpicked some of what I've written previously because it went off at a tangent, but I'm happier with the direction it's taking now - hopeful for poss 2021 or next year.

Written some drabbles plus a random Lewis fic - who knows where that came from!

Not much progress on everything else, but to keep me focussed:

Complete 'Stonehenge' (MFU) - stalled
Complete 'Park/Hotel' (MFU) - nope
Complete 'MIA' (MFU) - nope (which is annoying, because I was nearly there when I left off)
Complete 'Once Upon a Time Affair' serial (MFU) - nope
Complete 'Old Corpses' (Pros) - I swear I will go to my grave rambling on about this one...
Complete 'Action Squad' (Pros) - nope (again, really annoying because I was nearly there - and it fills a bingo square - no, I *hadn't forgotten about that!)
Complete 'WNGWJLEO' (Pros) - nope
Optional - A sequel for 'The Long Trick' (Pros) - nope, but I thought it might be nice to see the story from Bodie's perspective, so that's at least a plan
Complete 'Virtue' (Pros) - nope
Optional - Complete 'On A High and Windy Hill' (Pros) - nope
Optional - Complete 'Crosshairs' (Pros) - nope
Optional - Complete one Star Trek WIP (ST:TOS) - nope (but I have started reading someone else's fic...)
Optional - Complete Bingo squares (MFU & Pros) - nope (*see)

Find out if pros_wip is still a thing - nope
Started out with good intentions re picowrimo - then Life happened...(again 🙁)
And I've added this one as a result of something shooting2kill said: make an effort to respond to any hanging comments left on your fic, no matter how old.


Sort out fic folders and other transfers from old computer - working on this...
Sort out back up - nope
Sort out spreadsheets (don't ask) - nope
Archive non-archived stories - made some progress towards this - the random Lewis fic went up this week 😊
Sort out a place to store piccies on-line - nope
Optional - finish indexing WTF (now there's an serendipitous acronym!) - nope
Optional - Proslib CD - nope (and this is becoming more annoying, really, I should)


Read the ones you have! - bit of progress in reading, none in acquiring...
Aim to clear at least one Zinedom Volunteers zine per weekend - nope, they must presume I'm dead...

Lj, debates and other stuff:

Find more time for Lj and try to comment on everyone's posts - doing much better on this one. Had some interesting chats - and learned quite a bit.
Post more questions to Lj - had a lovely discussion at the end of August about some Prosy things over at  teaandswissroll, which I hope other folk enjoyed too.
Find time for picowrimo - found some time, not enough 😒.
Caught up with some of jantojones's Lj - learned quite a lot - love learning things - thank you Janto for your patience with the tardy and the ignorant 😊.
Catch up with kelpercomehome's South American adventures - nope, and now there's loads of other stuff.
Write a proper Letter of Comment for 'A Balcony and a View of the Sea' by (helenraven) Helen Raven - nope, I'd really like to read it again with folk - but still not sure how to get that off the ground.
Post another 30/31 days of fanwork (and update Lj tags accordingly) - still haven't thought of enough for a full month - I like to try and get a balance between fic, vids and art, as well as between fandoms. Curation's a bit of a beggar, isn't it?

And yea! Apparently there are plans for an Angry Birds 3 movie, more Star Wars, some Indiana Jones, and SG has 5 chevrons encoded - now all I need is for a certain pandemic to be over...

the man from u.n.c.l.e, star trek, mr kapusta, angry birds, fanworks, stargᐰte, star wars, lewis, indiana jones, pros bingo! - 2016, the professionals

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