My 2008 in fics

Jan 06, 2009 14:12

Little roundup (stolen from deelaundry and other people):

This year I wrote 34 fics (Heroes, Harry Potter, Original, Blackadder & Sherlock Holmes) for a total of 72,039 words. Shortest fic: "Honey and Mud" (160 words); longest fic: "Il caso di Market Snodsbury" (23,500 words). 19 fics out of 32 (and then some more written in 2007) were translated into English, and a couple I never even posted in Italian, just because. 11 were crossovers/AUs. I completed ONE claim (1frase XD) and that's going to be my unbeaten record forever, I think. I wrote a fic for the heroes_bigboom challenge and had eryslash's wonderful illustrations to accompany it. No Peter Petrelli was ill-treated in any of my fics - except in "Penance", but he liked that.

Masterlist, in case you're lazy

My favorite story of 2008 (of my own): "Il caso di Market Snodsbury" (Italian only). I'd never written anything so lengthy and plotty in... ages. I loved writing every single word of it, even if my Bertie's and my Jeeves' voices suck so much.

My best story this year: I'm not sure, really, but after much thought I'd say "Redemption". There's not much as for the plot, but I think it's my most complex work nonetheless, it took me months and I still rather like how it's written.

Story most underappreciated by the universe, in my opinion: "Redemption". I was just a trifle depressed about it.

Most fun story: Angst beats Fluff 10,000-0 BUT I wrote a couple of funny things. I'd say "The Walrus and the Charpenter", and that says all about my sense of humour.

Most sexy story: "Redemption", by a mile. The Petrelli Love Triangle (no, Sylar's not part of it) pwns all! (Two is megli che one, as it were.)

Most unintentionally *telling* story: Uhm, I'd say "May you die with all your work complete" and "Penance" because they clearly show I find the notions of sin and penance exciting.

Story that shifted my own perceptions of the characters: "Redemption" again. I realized it while I was writing: that's my Peter in all his splendour, a naughty bastard with no morals and the emotional maturity of a five-years-old, who falls in love with everybody and then most likely flush them down the toilet in a month or so. Apart from an exception. Well, maybe two (right, kimmy_dreamer?). I hadn't meant to make him look so dark, but everything's darker in the Godblessed 'verse.

Biggest surprise: "The Memory of Trees". I loathe that fic. There's nothing special to it yet everybody seems to love it. Why? WHY???

Biggest disappointment: Heroes S3's crappiness, that sucked all my ispiration for the fandom. That depressed me a lot.

Worst story: "Unimaginative". I managed to bore myself.

Hardest story to write: "Redemption" again and again. Apart from the loads of HET SECKS (OMG), it was extremely difficult as for the introspection. Yes, I do want you to read it, isn't it clear yet? Go, go!

Easiest story to write: The Pigwacket series. They're meant to be like little candies, short and fluffy and not much more. Pigwacket is my best OC ever, and he's not even ALIVE (or is he?).

"Holy crap, that's wrong, even for you" story: I'm a boring little girl and I don't often go for 'holy crap wrong' in my fics, so my list is a disappointment:
- Adrian Pasdar and Nathan Petrelli in a quickie in a public bathroom in "Just like a brother"
- a Claire/Peter/Nathan threesome ("Family thing")
- Peter telling the joke of the gravedigger and the invention of blowjob (XD) in "Of blowing up and blowjobs"
- implying Peter's (heavily) turned on by death in "Crimson sepia"
- having Nathan be a secret bunny-lover in the "Pigwacket" series

(I had thought of writing a little bottom!Nathan fic, but admittedly couldn't find the guts. No, no, really.)


- "Godblessed" won Best Peter Characterization in the Heroes Slash Fanfiction Awards (Winter 2008) @ heroes_slash;
- "First outbreak" and "His own kind" won respectively Best Overall and Best Angst, and Best Incest at the Italian P0rn Fest @ fanfic_italia;
- "Conversazioni Notturne" won First Place at the Original Fest @ fanfic_italia;
- Team Lambda (eryslash, herm_weasley, juliettesaito, kimmy_dreamer, sourcream_onion, su_ni and myself) won First Place at Criticoni's IV Disfida.

- to eryslash, because I couldn't have thought of this year (and the one before it) being any as good without her, and I love her dearly;
- to juliettesaito, because she's my amour and still loves me even if I had her read tons of stuff she didn't care for and never complained;
- to kimmy_dreamer, because eryslash and I converted her to Petrellicest and Adri/Mi and she converted us respectively to Haylo and Paire, and I think it was a rather fair exchange. And also because she's lovely and a Lamb(a)da Girl, hence a great writer;
- to snopes_faith, because she's the best beta-reader and sweetest person in the world, has the most impressive critical eye and culture (*gasp*), got me into Alan Moore's amazing work, and last but not least doesn't mind telling me when my ideas suck, which admittedly happens rather often.

writing, kim, ery, caroline, meme, l'amour della mia vie

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