If I could label people, these specimens would get a "No, really" tag (and a cat macro)

Nov 18, 2008 21:43

For some reason, I seem to find this story incredibly funny (and incredibly depressing at the same time), so I'm going to annoy you all with it. It's a true story! It happened to me today at University, the best place for genuine dumbness.

University. Library. Photocopiers Room. 12:45

Please, note that the library closes at 1pm on Tuesdays and that the room has FOUR machines. My two friends and I arrived and found that the machines were all taken by four different girls. So we took our place in line and waited.

We waited, waited, and waited some more. The girls appeared to know each other, since they chatted all together etc.

Since the thing was getting boring, I started watching the girls more carefully, and one of them (we'll call her First Girl) attracted my attention. She was photocopying a pile of papers, but while she had a Done pile next to her she kept adding to, she didn't seem to take them from any place. After a sec, I realized she went back and forth all the time to take them from Second Girl's machines' exit end.

I gaped and turned to my friend, who had already noticed, but after a short consultation ("No, really") we decided to let it go and wait for someone else to fuck off.

We waited some more. THEN I watched Second Girl, and realized she had nothing in her hands either; she was actually taking the papers she was copying from... yes, Third Girl's machine.

At that point the thing had become delirious. Third Girl had a book (to be totally honest, it was a photocopied book, but STILL). The cover was very clearly in sight. Fourth Girl had a book too. I cast a glance..


And while my friends ran away to hide someplace and laugh their heart out, I was just SO shocked and thought of explaining Dumb Girls the magic of setting the number of copies ("As many as you want! Isn't that amazing?") - but they were still chatting to each other in a fashion that sounded very much like:

"See? Already done. We were so good! And fast too. This system totally rocked! Ha ha ha."

That was all for this episode of Stories of Genuine Dumbness. Thank you for watching.

PS. For the children all over the world who are reading this: I managed to get my photocopies done eventually, don't worry! All's well that ends well.

university, things of the other world, wtf?

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