Italia 1 cancelled Heroes

Oct 26, 2007 14:21

As above. I'd like to say that's because they understood they're not able to translate it properly, but the reason is more trivial (and italian-ish): people don't like/watch it enough.

Now, we know our TVs aren't respectful of us at all, but damn, there were only FOUR EPISODES left! And since they air two eps any time, it meant only two more times to end S1!

But let's put aside that their translations and their dubbing are crap (nothing against the dubbers themselves, we have exceptional dubbers, but they just seem unable to choose the right voices for the characters). Oh, and someone should be explaining me why the parts in which Peter screams are not dubbed. Like, he has this ridiculous teenager-like voice all the time (have a sample here at 00:17), and then, for no reason, he goes with the scream with Milo's.

Let's put aside that it's impossible to watch it without going nuts, 'cause the commercials are just too many and too long. If you wanted to have a cigarette any time there's a commercial, you'd be having three lungs cancers before the end.

Let's put aside that they didn't publicize it at all. Like, in two months I saw commercials for Heroes only right before and right after the episodes. That is like saying: "Yeah, we're doing this for you who already know about the series. Yeah, it's just to let you know what you already know, that it's starting in 10 minutes and it's going to be here again on next Sunday at the same hour. Yeah, we know you know, but we can't steal space from Grey's Anatomy's 18504823956 commercials".

I'm really, really sick of Italian TV.

PS. Incidentally, I stumbled on this ancient music video and since I like the song I watched it. And it's, like, the ugliest video ever. Not much surprise if you think about the singers, but still...

fiore vs the world, (bad) translation, things of the other world, heroes

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