The worst is always yet to come

Oct 21, 2007 23:37

How much Italian translations suck is a thing that can't be described. You know that amazing line in Heroes ep. 1x19, .07%? That Nathan's line "I don't know who I am without you"?
Really, it's so easy to translate in any language that a blind monkey could do it in one sec.

Then, could anyone please explain me who's the stupid jerk who translated it into: "... avrebbe messo a soqquadro la mia vita"? Like, "... (a thing like this) would've totally messed my life"? MY life? Nathan's life? What are they talking about? Did they ever READ the actual script?

And the first one who starts with bullshit like lip-synch or dubbing timing or whatever will be a dead thing before they know what hit them.

PS. Please notice that Nathan in my icon didn't take it very well.

(bad) translation, god and details, things of the other world, heroes

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