(no subject)

Dec 03, 2011 18:49

"I've just been remembering that line of yours from a little earlier; it really knocked me back to reality", said my model, as he positioned himself in a carefully-arranged awkward sprawl on the model stand. I stood nearby, holding his AR15; the rifle would be going in-frame with him when he found his own position, a match--I hoped--for the pixellated desert-camo Marine fatigues he wore.

"What line was that?"

He had arrived a bit early, and we had chatted a bit while I got things in the studio arranged. The model seems an excellent fellow, twenty-three and just out of the service as of August. This is the second day of our project, and at some point I asked him if his back was stiff from the previous day. "It's not too bad."

"Well, we can fit in some longer breaks, or whatever."

"Nah, I'm used to holding uncomfortable positions for long periods."

"I'm sure that's true. But let's extend the breaks if your back is hurting, since I am not the Corps."
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