Aug 02, 2008 13:38
So I've had a few bumps, craters, sink holes grab me along my way to independently taking care of myself and school. Car went down hill and is now teeter totting on the shall I fix it or shall I junk it and use ike and mike because I have no funds to support another vehicle thanks to school line. I'm not as depressed as I would expect myself to be right now, but I am disapointed in a lot of things. And that's what I have to work on most. Not really seeing anyone at the moment mainly talking here and there but there is hope for a maybe friend in the future. Trip to Ireland took a back seat and it couldn't have been at a better time, with the cost of text books, housing and basic every day living slowing dialing upward I was save and decided to cash out. Not much by any means to feel safe with, but if I had to which I'm really fighting not to; I could always fall back on that. I'm still smiling at the good times, and always laughing with a tickle, now someone tell me what to expect just a little ways down the road of my life and I will be eternally greatful......No? No wants to take a stab in the dark for me? Eh it's alright, just momentary wantings of the past present and future making my wonder.