I don't usually do surveys, but this seemed important

Jan 24, 2008 19:33

1. If zombies took your town over where would you go for safety?
Does this mean where in my town would I hide? Or where would I run to after leaving my town? I'll answer both. 1) The Santa Monica Pier. There's only one entrance, which can be destroyed, allowing humans to swim out and climb up, but making the trek difficult for the uncoordinated undead. 2) I would get the HELL out of the LA area and go somewhere less populated, probably make my way up to San Francisco and re-establish communication there.

2. What would you use to kill zombies?
Meele? Crowbar, it's not going to break and while I'm on the run it's also a crowbar, which would be handy. Close Range? If I have the luxury to use a handgun I would. Far Range? Rifle or compound bow. I'm a pretty good archer, and it gives the bonus of being quiet so as to not alert other undead in the area. But it is slower than a rifle, which could be horrible.

3. If your gf/bf got bit what would you do?
I would stay with her until she turned, unless she asked for the alternative. But once she's a zombie she's not my girlfriend anymore. Sorry Leia, but I'd want you to do the same.

4. Is the mall a really good idea?
I think that staying in one spot is a bad idea. Inevitabely your resources will run out. You've gotta keep moving until you can find a way to make a base that is self contained with a garden, water purification system, some sort of perimeter defense, and a generator. The mall or wal mart are good ideas for scavenging, but not a good choice to stay.

5. Would it be hard to shoot your friends and family members if they were zombies?
Yes. But a part of me would know that they're already dead, thus making it easier.

6. Would you be able to have sex knowing zombies might bust in at any time?
After a while of living in that kind of situation I think I would, but it would take a while.

7. If you were bit would you tell?
Yes! If I'm travelling with a group then they need to know just like I'd want to know if one of them were bit. Not telling is how teams get taken apart, people!

8. If you saw one of your worst enemies, would you shoot them even though they were not infected?
No. At that point every human is valuable. Besides, murder is still murder.

9. What would you do to your car to make it zombie proof?
Drive it faster. I would not trust any armor or grating put on my car because movies taught me that they'll eventually rip it all off. Besides, that's how you get cockey. Having said that...thick plexi over all the windows and spikes everywhere I could get them, or we go the other route and teflon coat everything so they can't hold on. Whichever is more conveniently available.

10. Do you worry about zombies taking over?
For real? No. But do I think about it from time to time? Yes.
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