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sesquerdo November 3 2012, 15:17:45 UTC
Fiona-chan! \o/
Finally, I am here… First of all, I am really sorry for not being a good friend this past two months… u.u I am sure you understand my situation and your kind words were an important support to me, but, even so, I don’t like the fact that I was away while you were also probably facing problems, like the recent Sandy damages… So, I am really sorry! *bows*
By the way, how is everything with you? I was happy to know you had a great time travelling with your friends, but, the, I was worried about when I saw the news about Sandy… I am glad you hadn’t any serious problem but how is everything in there now?
Here, I am not going to lie, things are the same as in my last LJ post - my grandfather is out of the hospital , but his situation is still worrying because it demands a lot of care and he is not fine, so all the family is struggling with this situation… And he is really important to me, like a real father figure… That’s why most of my free time is to take her of him and of my mother who is not fine with all this… Also, things at my work are really complicated right now, it got worse during my vacations so… Yes, Life is not treating me kindly this year… But I am facing everything and working hard! ^.^
Let me reply the message properly…
How are things at your work? Were new people hired? I hope so and I hope that you were able to go back to your “normal” amount of work… I also hope the new employees are nice people! ^.^ In short, I hope RL is less hectic for you and that you are being able to have time for yourself! ^.^
About your fic, I am happy to know you didn’t abandon it, but I suppose RL is still not letting you updating it, right?! Well, it is better to write with time and relaxed right? After all, you must have fun while writing! ^.^ By the way, I am sorry that I wasn’t able to keep following it and I don’t know when I will have with RL being this way… I keep trying to follow the boys shows and releases, but my time for reading fics is almost zero… u.u But, when things get better here, I will come back to it ok? ^.~
I am not even ask about the weather since it was reported internationally… u.u Anyway, please, be careful and be warm since the cold will get worse from now on, right? here, it is so hot right now… The problems are the storms caused by the increasing hit, but nothing so serious… And I prefer hot weather over cold weather so…
Have you started Mikeneko? Let me know when you do! ^.^ I am looking forward to Aiba-chan’s new drama at Fuji TV, it seems so interesting! ^.^
Right now, I am not being able to follow anything besides the boys activities, RL is not cooperating with both of us, neh?! But thanks for letting me know about Shinzanmono! ^.~
I guess I said a lot of 24hs TV already, but, still, it always make me smile whenever I remember Jun-kun’s conduction, he really did an amazing (and touching) work! ^.^
Bakuman?! I follow the manga and it is really good! But I didn’t watch the anime, I heard it is good too! ^.^ Let me know what you think! I loved Death Note, so I had to check Bakuman when it was released here! ^.^ Chihayafuru has a beautiful art and it got me hooked although the plot is more into games, but I enjoyed the anime and I am waiting for the second season! ^.^
Yes, please, let me know what you think of Kisarazu Cats Eye because I didn’t watch it yet…
Hum, I don’t know much about Korean stuff, so, I don’t know if I can be of any help… I just know about a can green grape juice that they sell here and it has pieces of grape and it is delicious! I hope you are enjoying the new supermarket! Let me know about your adventures there! ^.~
This time, I am the one apologizing for the long time… And I think it will be like this for a while… u.u Thank you for your understanding and for your support! ^.^
I really hope you are fine, take care, Fiona-chan and happy Ohnovember! ^.^


fionasan January 8 2013, 15:40:50 UTC
Heya Sah-chan and happy 2013 again! *waves*

No need to apology, I am the one that it's not being punctual on replies. My sincere apologies again, things have been extremely busy with work with the new projects....just too many things to do and so little time. The new people at work has been a great hope, all amazing. :) Gomen again and I hope this year has been treating you well so far. *bows*

Besides the hectic-ness of work, everything else has been wonderful in RL for me. I did have a wonderful time traveling with my friends this past October, just relaxing without any real agenda was truly nice and we plan on doing it next year, hopefully. We were also able to visit a few historical sites which were fascinating. You know me and samurai-san, I just find the past to be so intriguing. ^.^

I was also to spend some time with my younger brother during the holidays on his Christmas break. We went to the movies a few times to see Les Miserables, Skyfall and The Hobbit. All recommended if you get the chance to catch one. ^^ How was your holidays?


fionasan January 8 2013, 15:41:37 UTC
Hehe...my readers are probably thinking some thing where in the world is Fiona-chan since there hasn't been any updates for more than 2 months now. I really need to save some time to work on it along with my list of 2013 resolutions. ;) Your behind-the-scene support is more than enough, you don't have to force yourself to read my fics...though I might nag you when my Juntoshi one is post one of these days. :)

Thanks , I appreciate your concern and will definitely keep warm...you stay cool as well. Really, if I had to select, I prefer the cold over hot. I will take a nice spring day anytime, but anything over 90 degrees F is just too extreme for me. u.u

Yep, I finished Mikeneko just before Christmas and enjoyed the mystery comedy. It's overall hilarious but does become serious when needed. Aiba-chan's acting skill certainly has improved since his last drama, awesome job ne. Holmes-chan was super adorable too.
I haven't watched much TV lately except for a few Arashi variety shows and of course all of the year-end ones. Hehe...all of our boys' performances were amazing. Always love when they have a collaboration with the Disney characters on stage, Jun-kun seems to have been so much fun. XD Oh that reminds that the Lucky Seven SP is out, need to really watch that especially his “pairing” with Eita. LOL

Bakuman the anime was awesome, follows the manga quite closely and pacing is good. The voice actors did a wonderful job portraying each of the characters, especially Niizuma Eiji which is my favorite in Bakuman. I really like his super intelligence and odd personality which kind of reminds of L from Death Note, how about yours? Obata-sensei and Ohba-sensei are a genious-combo, love all of their works. I wonder what fablous piece they will have awaiting for us next.

Chihayafuru is amazing, I had worked its anime during one weekend and just more and more. Its second season will be airing soon and I just cannot wait. The character development in the series is superb, you really get attached to the lovely 3D characters. I really hope that Chihaya, Taichi and Arata will win the next tournaments along with this team so they can go to the next level. Taichi is such a sweetheart, hopeful Chihaya will notice this soon. She can be just a airhead at times. LOL Are you rooting for a specific pair? ;)

Did you know that there is a bilingual version of the manga? The Japanese publisher had released vol. 1 and 2 in English with Japanese notations. Hopefully, I can get my hands on a copy one day, would love to see the poems in written form along with Kana-chan's little stories of them. ^^

Kisarazu Cats Eye has a bunch of quirky characters and off-the-wall comedic events with touching and special moments between friends. I'm not much of a baseball fan, but this was a nice little find for a weekend drama with no disappointments. Our Sho-kun's performance as Bambi was one of best. :)

Please let me know if you have any recommends or watching any new lately. :)

The Korean grape juice sounds delicious, I will need to check if my Asian supermarket have a supply of them. My choices are usually guava or mango. My mom and I usually take a trip whenever we're almost out of seafood. They have such a variety to select from along with many Japanese/Korean goodies. We spend more than 3 hours in there the first time, just too much to see and try. ^^ Good thing that we need to drive there if not our time would be spent there each weekend. LOL

I also recently came across seasoned laver or seaweed and have become addicted to them. I never really had the urge to browse through the nori section and only grab a pack of the sushi/hand-roll ones each time. Seaweed is seaweed, not! **smacks self in the forehead* Anything new that you tried but never really given a though too?

Thank you again for waiting for this super slow Fiona! Be well and enjoy 2013 to the fullest, Sah-chan! XD


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