you gotta find another way to make the world go round..

Jun 15, 2005 21:30

schools almost over!

only 2 more classes to go, and only one of them i have a final in. kinda sad/ not really.
it doesnt seem like supertrip is in.. 4 days. holy moly.
i need to pack and get ready!

this year has been weird looking back. different, i suppose. i shouldnt really be talking about it now because i cant really think positively.

i think i have 1 b, maybe 2. it doesnt sound life-shattering to you maybe, but its a big deal to me, especially since i know that i could have done better. if i want to go to ucla, or another school, i cant have those b's in classes when next year is going to be so much harder.

wow, so the next few weeks are going to be really busy.
finals tomorrow, then haircut?, then packing.
friday, last day of school, saying goodbye to people, getting grades (probably being disappointed), going to 2 graduation parties, my dad comes home, more packing.
saturday, packing, cleaning my room top to bottom..
sunday, leaving for supertrip!
sunday- sunday: SUPERTRIP!
monday 26, chelsea comes!

i hate being disappointed, and i hate changes in plans. i also hate feeling selfish, but sometimes i feel like i get overlooked. i hate crying so much it hurts my throat and nose. i hate this.

2 more days of school.
who knows what the future holds?

ex-girlfriend, no doubt

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