A bit at sea

Nov 07, 2005 15:53

It has been a very good weekend, for most of it. I am not quite sure what today has been.

Friday was clam, after a good day, Kit went to Scouts, I watched a film (mainly because CJ was in it) and then went to get some icecream with Kit at the end of Scouts (it was for the next day)

Saturday was good we had a Buisness meeting in the Church to talk about the deaconate and other related issuse, I am not very sure quite how much progress was made, but it was a meeting where ideas were certainly developed and shared constructivly. Saturday night was a hoot, we had a girly night at one of the ladies houses and it was a long and very good evening, we were planning on watching a video but instead we just chatted about odds and sods for the best part of 5 hours. A very good evening.

Sunday was good, the kids were good at Sunday School and the lesson went well. We had a leaders meeting afterwards where we were mainly looking at what to do for the Christmas service and in the evening the tree of us firmed up what we were hoping to do. So it went very well.

Today has been a bit odd. I had the woment meeting but was not realy all there and then went out with Kit for the afternoon, but he has been called to work, so I should probably eat, study and do the housework, in varing amounts before I go out to the Bible study tonight.

We bought some more Christmas decorations today. We are going for a black and silver theam and I am trying to work out sleeping arangements for new years.

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