Why hello there! *waves to all the shiny new friends I picked up at the friending meme* Which, I might add, has gone on to a second post due to high traffic.
GO HERE if you also think that fandom on LJ does not have to be dead and would like an easy way to meet new people. I was personally quite excited to find a couple of people that I follow on Tumblr, because now I might actually talk to them, instead of just giggling as their posts roll by.
For those new to the show, I'm Fi(rhymes with die)/Fiona. One half of MiFi with
mijan (my legit spouse, according to the state of New Hampshire), whom I met at a Harry Potter con in Vegas six.point.five years back. Very lovely to be sharing a life with someone who gets that sometimes, reading/writing fanfic is more important than doing the dishes/laundry/taking out the tash/other important household maintenance things. We live in Kansas City and have two, four-legged, furry kids: Lily/Lilith (50% black lab, 50% boxer and 100% dumb love) and Mu (the bdsm kitty who likes to be spanked. Bossy bottom, totally). Mi and I attend at least a half-dozen-or-so conventions throughout the year. We consequentially haven't been on a vacation that didn't involve check bags for quite some time now. I used to write a lot of Harry Potter fanfic back in the day, but it was short and writing felt a bit like juicing a rock. Then Sherlock came around and I wasted a good year of my life consuming fanfic like water. Tried writing in that fandom and didn't do too bad. Might be making a bit more of a habit out of it, but I don't do a lot of short bits. And I don't post WIPs.
Costuming is my thing, though. I have a whole room in the house that is my crafting domain. I only ever really cosplay as Princess Fiona (three different outfits from three different movies), but I've just started working on a Disney Queen of Hearts. I am super into historical and ethnic recreations, though. I love studying a different time or place through their fashion - history has suddenly become cool. Bustle gowns, kimono, 14th century; I just completed a Regency ball gown and am working on both a kilt and a hanbok. Most of my media recreation costumes are for Mijan, of which multiple versions of Harry Potter, Frodo/Bilbo and Star Trek exist.
Um, I'm a scientist in my day EVENING job. (I sleep in every morning. It's glorious.) I work in a large hospital lab where I get to do interesting things to blood and body fluids and then spit out the results that a recent educated guestimate said about 70% of medical decisions are based upon. I love what I do, kind of a lot. But I rarely talk about it here, unless I mention it in passing or whine about bad science in a fic.
I am a terribly lazy Pagan. Very kitchen witch in style and execution, but with little need to actively think about or practice my religion. I'm blessed to have an active and awesome local crowd for when I want social interaction, but I'm usually only into it for the fancy dress parties and potlucks.
What else? Um, I say um a lot. I write like I talk, and I'm apparently pretty witty and sarcastic when I get going. My bff has a no food/beverage/driving rule for when I'm talking. I love putting that one to the test. ;) I have about zero tolerance for drama and bull shit. If you ever ask me anything, I will tell it to you honest and without padding, so please don't ever think that I'm saying one thing and meaning another.
I don't really know what else to tell you. Shit, if you actually read all of that, you kind of deserve a cookie or something. Feel free to ask me anything. (that goes for you regulars, too). Pics from Arisia forthcoming, I swear.