Feb 17, 2013 00:51
So, it's been awhile.
I guess it's sad to say, but I haven't really felt like there's anything exciting enough to report on. (That really is sad, isn't it?) But that's not to say I'm unhappy. I guess I'm just a little more guarded about posting things online, now that I'm in the "real world". You never know who's out there reading, you know. Not that I've ever mentioned having a Live Journal or that anyone could ever possibly find this, but you seriously never know.
Anyways, I work for a marketing company in Northern Virginia. I really like it here, I like that the acronym people use is "NOVA", I like that it's actually green here, that there are trees everywhere. I like that I'm so close to the capital. I love the capital. I love the cherry blossoms, the mall, the Tidal Basin. The Library of Congress is one of the most beautiful buildings I have ever seen in my life! I love the architecture.
But there are still times, of course, that I miss New Jersey. That I'm reminded that I'm not in a state that's default-liberal. That I'm not an hour's drive from the beach. Having to deal with people who only know Jersey stereotypes and love to tease me about it (even if they are just joking).
I work longish hours, 8:30 AM - 6:00 PM on average. It takes 20 minutes for me to get home with traffic, which is to be honest phenomenal in the DC area but feels like forever when you don't get home until close to 6:30, have to walk the dog and then make dinner. It seems like I barely get any time to relax these days (and here I thought being mid-20s would be soooo exciting. No homework. No parents. I make my own rules. Oh the responsibility of freedom!) During the little free time I have, I waste most of it on Tumblr, getting back in touch with my inner Fan Girl who went into hiding when I was in college. No, not Harry Potter this time (HP will always be my one true fandom, but the story has run its course and I've gotten enough closure on it). Instead, my main focus has been The Hunger Games, The West Wing and of course, A Song of Ice and Fire (aka Game of Thrones).
But most importantly, I AM still continuing my work on Linden. It is going to be published one day, I don't care how far away that day is, I am working on it a little bit at a time and I am determined to finish it... even if progress is slower than I'd really truly like. I'm on chapter 23, it's a bit over 50,000 words which surprisingly only takes up about 160 4x6 pages, so talk about disappointing (well, whatever, I'm not even a third of the way into the plot so it's probably for the better).
Recently, I started thinking about possibly writing a short story and submitting that ... somewhere. But I'm not so good with short stories. I have about three or four ideas on the back burner for novels, but short stories? God bless people who can write short stories.
Moving on... my dog Drew is with me in DC, and I'm so glad to have her with me, but she'll be ten in May and I find myself constantly worrying over her health. She had her gall bladder removed last June. The whole ordeal gave us a big scare... and it came out of nowhere. One day, she was jumping around, perfectly find. The very next, she was throwing up everywhere, refusing to eat her food, shaking... we rushed her to the ER and they discovered that her gall bladder was completely impacted and misshapen, basically infected and at risk for rupturing. We kept her there over the weekend so they could watch her, she had her surgery Monday and recovered beautifully... eight months later she is her normal self, jumping around and playing (she was never too hyper to begin with though). Her fur has not grown in as thick as we'd like for the winter, so we bought her a special coat (which she does not like) to keep her warm, but my second winter in Virginia has been relatively mild so far.
Work is work, and I won't go into too much detail about that on here. Recently, it's been really frustrating and stressful to see grown adults acting like children. It's true that a negative attitude IS infectious, it weighs down on everyone in the office. It's only a handful of people, but I wish they could know the huge burden they've ended up placing on their coworkers. Basically, a couple of people in my department have been slacking and it's created a ton of additional work for myself and the other proofer in our department. The worst part is they still seem to think they're doing better than the other departments, and they're just... not. And I can't say or do anything about it, other than to keep sending corrections back and remain placid and calm. I just want to shake them. I'm not good at hiding my emotions, never have been. Well, I guess this is what we'd call a "learning opportunity".
I guess there HAS been stuff to write about, I just haven't. It might not be a bad idea to keep this going and use it as an outlet for catharsis. I don't post anything of substance on my Tumblr (the most serious things are essays, but even those are silly... I mean, did I even NEED to go through all of the contextual clues that Katniss always loved Peeta and Gale never stood a chance? The answer is Yes. Yes I did.).
I do also have a blog that reviews movies and books, but I haven't even updated THAT in awhile. Been too busing uhm, writing fanfic (cringe) and of course working on my original novel, which is of course far more worthy of my time, but I need some sort of excuse to keep writing even when writer's block hits. Plus, not gonna lie, the feedback on fanfic can be so uplifting when I don't really get much feedback on Linden. So, there's that. Yay ego boosts.
Oh yea, I do also write occasionally for the company blog, but of course, that link's not going up on here.
Well, that is the Virginia Update. Hopefully I'll keep this up better, but no promises!