Happy Beatles Day!

Jul 10, 2011 22:44

My obsession with The Beatles is growing.  It's like a Beatles Invasion in my mind.  I can't stop singing their songs.  I finally purchased Across the Universe and the soundtrack to it, so I can listen to it on my way to work although I think I am going to switch back to the One album which I was listening to before.  My sister also lent me The Beatles Unseen Archives which I just started reading yesterday.  Today so happens to be Beatles Day although apparently it is only celebrated in England.  Well my boyfriend and I celebrated it anyways by listening to Across the Universe on our drive to and from Princeton.

In other news, my dog hurt her back paw :(  We have concrete in our backyard because apparently there's some kind of bacteria in our lawn that makes them sick (we do have grass but that is fenced off so they can't get to it.  They only play on the concrete and we do also have pebbles/rock garden type area for them).  The other dogs have NEVER had this issue, but for some reason my dog will rip part of her pad off.  Right now it's really bad, possibly the worst it's ever been (she ripped off more than half the pad).  We cleaned it out and put some cream on it to help it heal and we'll do it again in a few minutes.  Poor Doodle.  :(  She just plays rough I guess.  I don't know.   She's licking it right now, I don't know if that's good or bad.

Trying to plan a weekend trip down to DC to visit my friend.  I'm dying for some travel time.  I go stir crazy sitting around in the house all the time (but am also too lazy to get off my butt and go do something).  


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