When did I get old?

Aug 26, 2009 15:54

So I was filling out my declaration of candidacy form (aka the first graduation form I've received) and I blanked out on the ID number spot.  You'd think that after three years of going to a school, I'd know my ID number.  The ironic thing is that whenever I need to write down my ID number, my first thought is to put my HS ID number... I can remember that after three years of not needing it, but I can't remember the number I actually have been using the past three years.

Well, anyways.  It makes me feel old.  I'm graduating college?  Didn't I just graduate high school yesterday?  And the crazy part is I have no idea where I'm going to be in one year.  Will I be in grad school?  Will I have a job?  Will I still be looking for a job?  Where will I be living?  I don't really know the answers to any of these questions and that scares the hell out of me.  I hope that it will be easier to get a job next summer, but I can't picture things magically turning around in the span of only a few months.

I can't wait to be out of this house and on my own, but at the same time the thought of being on my own scares me.  It's scary to think I'll have to be providing for myself.

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