(no subject)

Apr 28, 2009 18:15

So I just posted this long description of the mansion and the back of it.  I described the balcony in the back, the three levels of the backyard, how the top level has a semi circle that juts out onto the middle level like the prow of a ship; there is even a fountain beneath it that wraps around its length, which would complete the ship metaphor perfectly except that it has never had any water in it since my time at FDU.

I talked about how the middle level is symmetrical, a nice lawn of grass that most people skip over and pass on their way to the lower level.  There are two white urnlike statues on either side that guard the backyard and two roofed portions on the end of either side that look over the lower level.

And the lower level has a huge lawn, a large fountain in the middle that is also never filled, in case drunk students decide to jump into it, and a line of trees that trace the semi-circular edge of the backyard and look over at the plain below, to the jets training facility across the street.

I talked about how I chose to sit in a little alcove on the middle section, where I sat against the cool stone semi-circular bench, how it was my own little office and instead of looking out a window I could just look up to the lawn in front of me, watch the sun glint off the grass as it swayed in the wind.  How the little leaves waved and caught the light so that it looked like the whole lawn sparkled and twinkled.  When the wind really picked up the light would ripple across the grass in large waves and the trees standing guard around the perimeter (probably there to block view of the mansion from people below) would start dancing.  Even though it seemed cliché to write that the trees danced in the wind, that’s really how they looked - the branches bouncing up and down, swaying side to side, moving to some unheard music.

Unfortunately when I tried to post it, the internet timed out and all was lost, so there is nothing here but a memory.

I’m also feeling a renewed sense of hope, after finding book jobs dot com, about finding a book-publishing related internship.  Wish me luck, courage, and motivation.

~~~ 3:40 PM Tuesday April 28, 2009

writing, mansion, job

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