I woke up this morning to Joe on MSNBC's 'Morning Joe' show blathering on about Obama and his opinion on Obama's latest 'missteps' and I was again wondering why the TV is always tuned to this station so early in the morning.
It's not as though V is a closet conservative or anything, in fact he is so far from it, that it really is strange to wake up to 'Morning Joe' and its denizens every morning, and absolutely be forced out of bed just to stop the flow of their whiny conservative drivel into my half-sleeping brain.
I wonder if it's V's devious way of getting me out of bed every morning. Because there's only so much I can take of Joe Scarborough before I just want to throw something at him.
And sometimes that desire gets my dander up enough that a physical event like getting out of bed must occur.
But just as I was about to change it, that singular (and singularly annoying) female talking head on the show mentions that today is the 50th anniversary of The Day The Music Died. (See
The Day The Music Died)
And it struck me that, hey, I always wondered why the lyric was "February made me shiver."
I never realized that the plane crash happened today.