i have new userpics and i'm happy. phwoaa.
in other news, i had to be up super early this morning to drive someone to the airport. upon returning home, i found out that everyone up at 6 am on sunday must be on super speed or some sort of pills, because all that's on is exercise infomercials. i ended up watching the talking heads on the weather channel to put myself back to sleep.
i have done lots of stuff lately and not journaled about it. this i should fix, if only so i have a record for later on when i want to scrapbook about this stuff. um,
aliyaskie and i never did finish our crazy posting about our vacation together. i also never posted about the ama superbike shootout at mid-ohio, which took place a couple of weeks before said vacation. i haven't posted about nicky hayden (in the icon) taking the motogp championship, about my classes or the crazy paper i wrote for english that ended up getting an A when i thought i'd get a C, or about thanksgiving. and i don't feel like doing it now! instead i feel like showering and going over to my friend's house to watch football football football wheeeeeeee. i actually did have something to post, but one of my cats has raised a ruckus and now i've forgotten it. oh well. i'm sure it'll come to me later.
super non-post!