did i ever mention my fascination with tornadoes? i'm not sure exactly when this developed, but it was definitely after i moved to colorado, maybe even after i moved to texas. i'd never actually seen one until last year, when two hit near my house. i'm simultaneously terrified and electrified by them. i have, shall we say, a well-developed sense of self-preservation that keeps me from actually chasing storms. but one of the things i enjoyed about texas was the potential for such incredible displays of power and beauty.
this preoccupation is slowly generalizing to all storms. i just spent the last couple of hours checking out photos of stacked plate formations and mammatus and ropes and cones and wedges. i check the
national weather service website a few times a day to see whether anyone's under a tornado warning (and by anyone, i mean in the country, not just locally). last night was a good one for that. i stayed up late and woke up early to watch the development of hurricane katrina on the weather channel (not knowing, of course, just how awful that would turn out to be, although i knew i was witnessing something historic). more than once recently i've considered becoming a meteorologist.
i hesitate to say i'm developing a phobia. it would be more accurate to say i'm coddling an inordinate interest, and it may not be healthy. :)