I've got a ring I'm trying to sell. I inherited it from my great grandmother, but I'm not one to wear such a ring, and I've no one to pass it onto, myself. Plus, I don't deny I could use whatever money I could get for the ring. It was apparently made in India sometime between 1920 and 1950. It's 14K gold, with seventeen sapphires and eight opals. It was appraised at $2,200 Canadian as of March 6th, 2014. Ideally I'd like to get at least $1,500 for it, but I've no idea if that's reasonable, or even how to go about selling said ring.
Assuming this works, I've included pictures below the cut, for anyone interested in seeing the ring itself.
Does anyone have any idea how I might go about selling this ring for a reasonable amount, or does anyone perhaps want the ring?
Thanks for any help anyone can offer!