...but I'm posting this, courtesy of
coffeeem, anyway, as it does express my feelings on the topic, and rather more eloquently than I can usually manage.
Copy this sentence into your Live Journal if you're in a heterosexual marriage/relationship (or if you think you might be someday), and you don't want it "protected" by the bigots who think that gay marriage hurts it somehow.
Yes, I live in Canada, where gay marriage is legal. Yes, I am in a heterosexual marriage (though I tend to identify more as an asexual lesbian who happened to marry a guy, as, for me, those three things are in no way mutually exclusive--I am asexual because I have no desire whatsoever for sex, I am a lesbian because I am attracted to girls instead of guys, and I married a guy because he's the person I fell in love with; sex, attraction, and love are three different things for me).
Given those two facts, technically what happens regarding gay marriage in the States should not matter to me, or so I have been told at times. However, it does matter. Just like the issue of trying to overturn Roe v. Wade matters. People should be free to marry whomever they want, and no one should be able to force a female to either have an abortion or carry a fetus to term (or to be either sterilized or not sterilized, for that matter, though that, unlike pregnancy and abortion, applies to both genders).
And there ends my quasi-political rantings, at least until after November 4th, depending on what happens.