Ooh city!!

May 26, 2008 19:31

OMG noodles place! OMG McDonalds! OMG Pizza Hut! OMG shops!!!!

Can you tell I've finally managed to get out of Hillston?:)

I'm currently in Mildura again, and damn, it looks like a proper big metropolitan city though it's not that big. We're at Oasis Backpackers, which is...well, allright, once we managed to buy lightbulbs (there was no light whatsoever in the dorm room) and get the room to warm up (it was freezing). Seriously, I did not think I'd be this cold in Australia. It is unbelievable. There is also a cat here, a grey one, a little like one of mine though this one is short haired.

I'm heading out on Wednesday, to Sydney and then hopefully to Adelaide soonish. I bought myself a train pass, which allows me 6 months of unlimited train travel so I think after Adelaide I will head up to Darwin and stop to see the big red rock on the way.

Also, thank you everyone for your kind comments on my last post *hugs*. Michael (the driver) is doing better, apparently, but whether he'll end up with any brain damage, we don't yet know. His family came over from Germany so he'll probably be taken back home for rehabilitation and all that stuff. What a horrible way to end an adventure like this.
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