
Apr 22, 2008 21:59

Oops, two weeks since the latest entry...that must be a record ( Read more... )

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Comments 17

suzotchka1 April 23 2008, 00:15:18 UTC
I was just thinking about you and wondering how you were doing! Glad to hear that you're still having a good time!


finnstardust April 28 2008, 02:40:57 UTC
Thanks Suz! Things are well at the moment.


icarus_abides April 23 2008, 00:33:53 UTC
Gah! There's always some who feel the need to spoil it for everyone else *glares*

They need to man up and realize that *gasp* they can still have fun without always being drunk, belligerent assholes.

Hope you get your car soon!


alyssa22 April 23 2008, 01:05:37 UTC
Sadly, not in Australia. It's all about the booze, which is pathetic. People think they're not having fun unless they're paralytic.


icarus_abides April 23 2008, 01:33:52 UTC
Unfortunately, it's not just an Australian thing.

Even as I was reading about the Drunken People, I was thinking "Maaaan, I bet they're American..."



alyssa22 April 23 2008, 13:52:31 UTC
Hmm. I was thinking they were either Australian, South African, British or German. They're the worst of the lot. Though Americans can't handle Australian alcohol.


alyssa22 April 23 2008, 01:03:12 UTC
Welcome to Australia. Beer, beer and more frigging beer. No wonder they're behaving like yobbos if the boss is supplying them. Morons.

I have your Medicare card, btw. Let me know where to send it.

I accidentally opened it, because I'd forgotten you were getting it sent to me! Argh.


finnstardust April 28 2008, 02:45:40 UTC
I can't drink beer. Every time I have even one can, I wake up the next morning with an upset stomach. Can't handle it.
Probably no time to send it here...not sure yet where I'm going next but I might come down to Melbourne briefly again and pick it up then.


napalm_isis April 23 2008, 02:49:43 UTC
**thwaps the stupids**

Glad that despite them you're still having a good time. :)


anonymous April 23 2008, 20:41:06 UTC
At least the work is going well and you are making money. That is a positive!

I hate idiots who ruin things for everyone else. Hopefully, they will move on soon.


shadownlite April 23 2008, 20:42:06 UTC
This was me...damn livejournal logged me out while I was posting the comment.


finnstardust April 28 2008, 02:46:01 UTC
Today is a pay day, hopefully. Yippee!


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