More pics

Feb 24, 2008 18:06

Oh God...I just experienced the biggest human traffic jam ever. It seems that the entire Sydney had gone out to see the big ships (Queen Victoria and Queen...uh...Elizabeth 2) meeting each other at the harbour. So, naturally, I went too. I wouldn't have even known about it if it wasn't for our somewhat strange and slightly scary night manager: every time you started talking to him about something over the past week, he'd go "Big ships! Big ships! Big ships coming!" Yes mate, got that.
The ships weren't even THAT big...well, Queen Victoria was...though I'm sure that the ones we use to sail to Sweden are at least the same size, if not bigger. But oh well. I was supposed to go out to see them actually sailing past each other but damn, I just can't be bothered. I went to Paddy's Market this morning (that place is dangerous, let me tell you, so much nice and cheap stuff) and got myself a proper cowgirl hat. Haha, it's so cool. I also got a handbag and a wallet and a little later a sleeping bag (decided not to bring one from home, maybe I should have but I managed to find a pretty small one that didn't cost a horrible fortune). I do not want to think about re-packing my bag. That is going to be a nightmare.

And now I shall give you pictures from Taronga Zoo and the Aquarium. The Aquarium pics I mostly pinched from Ida, since she has a proper camera and I just have my little one...


A thoughtful-looking kangaroo.

I was hoping they'd go jumping but no such luck...

Crocs. And not even big ones but still...*shudder*

Erm...a bird?

A creepy lizard... Komodo dragon I believe this one was.

A big snake *shudders again*

Giraffes with a view.

Feeding time...a little later it was also shower time for these guys.


A bird's eye view of Sydney...

The QBE birdshow.

The Andean kondor.


A cute little meerkat guy.

A red kept running around all the time, didn't bother to pose for any pics unlike some other animals.

A very, very relaxed vombat:)

More cuddlyfluffiness.

Tasmanian devil.

Ocean life.


Fishy business.

Anyone care for a swim?

More ocean life.

*goes to nurse aching feet* Some people are going out again...I do not know where they find the energy. Then again, I'm running around all day while they just lounge on the beach, really. So I guess that's how.
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