Title: Moving On
Rating: R
Pairing: Finn/Sam
Words: ~3,000
Notes: Next up in the Sam/Finn mpreg verse. Fics in order you should read them before this one:
Help Me,
Getting By.
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Part 17 )
Comments 8
Can't wait for the next part... with only three more chapters I hope you're still planning on another chapter. Love, love, LOVE this verse.
There will be three more chapters and then the epilogue...and then the verse will be done! It's been a long time coming - I've spent almost a full year on this verse now! The next three chapters will be full of stuff, so watch out for them :)
I'm so glad you liked it, though! I was worried about posting this one - I always wonder if my plot twists will turn people away or get them to keep reading. I'm glad to hear you're sticking around and I hope to have chapter 18 posted soon!
There are actually a bunch of Comic Cons throughout the country at different times of year. I know of New York and Chicago off the top of my head, along with San Diego. I even looked at the website to get the venue name right!! :)
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