fic: Moving On (16/20)

Nov 17, 2011 12:03

Title: Moving On
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Finn/Sam
Words: ~5,200
Warnings: homophobic slurs
Notes: Next up in the Sam/Finn mpreg verse. Fics in order you should read them before this one: ConfusionHelp MeGetting By.
1 ] [  2 ] [  3 ] [  4 ] [  5 ] [  6 ] [  7 ] [  8 ] [  9 ] [  10 ] [  11 ] [  12 ] [  13 ] [  14 ] [ 15 ]

part 16

fic rating: nc-17

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Comments 5

caitlinpaz November 18 2011, 11:50:55 UTC
You weren't lying when you said this would be amazing! I loved this beyond words...I had goosebumps as I was reading and felt myself getting nervous right along with them. Beautifully written and just an overall amazing chapter especially for such a huge event like marriage. I love how the girls tried to steal the spotlight and I got a kick out of their reactions when the family was introduced for the first time. I loved this so much and now i'm dying to know if they'll have a little wedding night souvenir??? :)

Seriously, amazing and i'm excited for chapter 17!!!


sunshine_flying November 18 2011, 13:51:43 UTC
This was by far my favorite part to write out of this whole verse. There were so many emotions and so many things for them to experience, and it was so much fun to write. I'm so glad you liked it! As for a wedding night souvenir...we'll see ;) These boys seem super fertile, that's for sure :P


gemmadevine38 November 18 2011, 18:29:35 UTC
This chapter is a huge deal for them, an accumulation of all the things they've done, everything they've been through and you wrote it sooooooooo well and it was everything I had hoped it to be! I was so excited for them to reach this point and I think it made even if more special that the marriage laws had passed and most importantly, everyone was there to celebrate their special day. I got teary eyes, especially during their vows and just laugh at the cuteness of Annika and Caroline. It was a very lovely chapter, and I love that they got this moment and how great things are in their lives. I was shocked, but pleasantly surprised that Sam was open to having another baby but you have to admit, it'll be pretty adorable if baby #3 is conceived on their wedding night. Hope you can update again to read again!!!!


sunshine_flying November 18 2011, 19:43:35 UTC
I'm so glad you liked it! This chapter was so much fun to write - I couldn't stop! I loved writing the girls' reactions and the boys' special day and just how they all got to share it was amazing to write. I'm so so happy that you thought I did it well, and I can't wait to post the rest of this fic. There is certainly going to be a lot in store for the family in the last four chapters!


tristancc November 28 2011, 06:31:25 UTC
this is great stuff


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