Jul 11, 2012 14:04
Hmmm... I wasn't there, but from everything I've seen on Youtube, it was probably the most spectacular 20-second firework barrage launched purely for entertainment that we'll ever see (now, there have been some truly spectacular explosions as a result of military activity and highly destructive civilian accidents, but those involve other purposes-- and hazards to life and limb-- rather than entertainment....).
Seems however, there are more than a few people taking a really nasty tone regarding this incident, and the failure of the planned 20-minute show. I think such folks need to take a deep breath and reconsider their position. This is something we can call an "epic failure" in jest, and laugh about, with clean consciences....
Y'see, for all the things that people can point to, that went wrong-- lemme tell ya what DIDN'T HAPPEN:
No one died. No one got hurt (no physical injuries anyway). No property damage. Nothing damaged or destroyed, except fireworks that were going to be expended anyway (just at a slower rate, if things had gone according to plan). And, it may not have been the show that was planned, but it was spectacular.
For all the problems with San Diego's show, so many other important things went very very right in San Diego anyway-- people's lives, health, well-being, matter more than whether or not the show went according to plan. Again-- NO ONE DIED, and NO ONE GOT INJURED. That's what matters, folks.
All in all-- we could use a lot more "failures" like this one in SD, rather than mishaps such as the boat sinking in New York Harbor on the 4th of July (3 lives lost, under circumstances that almost certainly involved gross stupidity on some person's parts-- investigation is ongoing).