Title: Life for Rent
Rating: PG ( fuzzyness warning)
Summary: Sequel to
It's a 90's Thing; a month later. Mr Schue responds to a problem thought of my most of the club. Further Kinn relationship
Warnings/Spoilers: Set after Home, direct spoilers to PoM and Home, anything that has happened since Sectionals that doesn't directly involve Finn or Kurt still stands.
someonewillcare A/N: My first time writing Rachel, would be interested to know what people think of her. Oh and of course any comments are loved.
For past chapters see my journal
Had to split into two parts due to LJ word limit.
( Part 1 |
‘Mr Schue?’ she shielded her eyes from the lights ‘I don’t think I should sing this solo. It doesn’t feel right’ )
( Part 2 |
I love our nights we spend together; nothing is forced, there is no weird or uncomfortable moments; )