Title: The Legend Of The Whisperer.
Pairing(s): Finn/Kurt, Blaine/Sam ( later on, anyway ).
Warnings: Dragons, elves, magic, vague awkward Blinn, one especially stupid dragon.
Spoiler(s): No.
Word count: 4,555 for this chapter.
Rating: PG-13.
Summary: When Finn Hudson finds a strange blue stone in the forest, he takes it home as a pretty decoration for his mother. What he doesn't realise is that this innocent gesture will change his life forever. AU.
Author's Notes: This fic has been floating around on my laptop for ages, and I finally decided to unleash it, chapter by chapter, on the world. I've got a second chapter written, but I'll see how this one goes first. With many thanks to the wonderful, long suffering Muffin - aka
woodsgal - for putting up with me and for being my beta. Love you, Muffin. <3
follow the pretty blue link