Title: Untilted.
Pairing(s): Finn/Kurt, mentioned Sam/Blaine.
Warnings: Fluff, fluff, and fluff. Also, did I mention fluff?
Spoiler(s): None, sadly.
Word count: 2052.
Rating: G.
Summary: When Kurt has to go pick Blaine up from the airport, Finn is left alone with their daughter, Lizzie, and they
manage to make a mess.
Author's Notes: I wrote this for the wonderful Muffin - aka
woodsgal - for Christmas, so it's a little...yeah. It's a Christmas fic in February, why not. I thought I'd post it here partly because LJ said that I'd been deleted - I hadn't, clearly - but mostly because LJ has never seen it so I thought I'd let you. Also, I couldn't get the spaces between the paragraphs to work and after twenty minutes I've given up.
click here for fic