First Three Prompt Fills

Aug 30, 2011 22:35

So I've written the fills to two of the prompts on here and one prompt I got on tumblr =)

Title: Superhero
Rating: G
Prompt: After Finn "Lost his Religion", and ate Grilled Cheesus, he wakes up the next morning to find that he has magical powers. This confuses him even more than he was before. Freaking out, he tell the only person he feels he can trust: Kurt. Finn can actually have magic genie powers, or he can think he does, that's up to you.
For: Eowyn_Rain

Title: Cartoons and Fanfiction
Rating: G
Prompt: I sort of want it to be based around a cartoon. Like Finn introduces Kurt to a show he watched when he was little, and keeps pointing out things as he remembers them and keeps mentally comparing them and other people to the characters in the cartoon.
For: An anon on Tumblr.

Title: Jealousy
Rating: PG
Prompt: What if the reason Finn didn’t want Kurt singing with Sam wasn’t because he was scared of Sam quitting, but because he was jealous?
For: Ssferriswheel




The bed sheets shifted and in the half-light cast from the street lamps outside, Finn could see Kurt blinking down at him as he sat up. He looked about, turning his gaze back on him confusedly before memories of the day previous seemed to seep in and he slumped back down.

“What is it?”

Finn shifted about slightly uncomfortably, now slightly wishing he hadn’t said anything. The prospect of trying to explain that he thought he had some sort of powers now to a sleep deprived-Kurt was not an attractive one. He felt his fingers clenching in the sheets, nails digging in slightly to the blow up bed beneath him. They remained in silence until Kurt swung his legs around to the side of the bed, slipping onto the floor beside him.

When Burt had first gone into hospital, Kurt had stayed home alone and even when offered a place to stay by Finn’s mom, he’d turned it down. But as the days passed and Burt still showed no signs of waking up, people were starting to worry about Kurt more. He looked sleep-deprived and constantly worried. He’d fallen asleep in the hospital while sitting with his dad more then once. That was why Kurt was here, sleeping in Finn’s bed. Carole had picked Finn up after school after he’d called her asking her if they could go visit Burt. Kurt hadn’t been in school today and that was where Kurt just had to be so she’d agreed and there he’d been sat, torso slumped forward, his head resting on his father’s arm as he slept. He’d just looked so peaceful but Finn hadn’t wanted to leave Kurt like that. Even if he’d brushed off his sympathy previously, he wanted to help him now. He didn’t care if Kurt didn’t want his help right now, kept brushing him off. He’d been ‘praying’ for things other then Burt when even Puck had been showing care. That wasn’t right. So he’d scooped Kurt up, waking him in the process and told his mom that he was going to be coming to stay with them until Burt awoke. Kurt had protested of course but he was tired and eventually worn down. Then they’d taken him back to theirs and Finn had finally eaten the other half of Grilled Cheesus and it was all over and done with.

Only now he was wondering if that had been the right thing to do. He’d been feeling really weird all evening, like, he’d been getting really warm and holding things a lot tighter. He’d broken a glass earlier because he’d been focusing on Kurt as he bent over to rummage about the cupboards. He’d been having to tell him where things were and yeah, the glass had just…smashed.

It was like, super strength and with all this heat he was reminded of Johnny Storm in the Fantastic Four movie.

Even sat here now thinking about it, it really did sound insane.

“Finn? Seriously, what is it? You’re starting to worry me.”

As Kurt spoke, he placed a gentle hand over Finn’s, drawing his focus back on him. Kurt’s hair was slightly mussed from where he’d been tossing and turning in the bed. The collar of his pajama shirt was crinkled and the top few buttons undone baring the paleness of his collar bone and with such close proximity, he could smell Kurt. Even when he was a mess at this time he still smelt strongly of those expensive products he used mingled with something musky, something that was just Kurt. Something that always made Finn feel…he didn’t even know. All hew knew was that he could feel himself warming up again. Oh god, what if he had fire powers like Johnny Storm. He didn’t want to burn Kurt! He darted away and Kurt just stared at him, his expression a mixture of amusement and annoyance.

“Okay Finn. What’s this all about? Because I’d finally fallen asleep and you woke me up for whatever it is so just tell me already,” Kurt said bluntly, crossing his arms as he looked at him.

Looking sheepish for a second, Finn stepped back against the door and slid down to the floor with a sigh.

“So y’know how I found religion for a bit? It’s because I managed to make a grilled cheese sandwich with the face of Jesus on. The Grilled Cheesus and I was sort of praying to it and asking for things and I thought it was working, I was quarterback again and Rachel let me touch her boobs and yeah but then Miss Pillsbury said that it couldn’t have been magical because God doesn’t grant wishes like that so I ate it and now I think I have powers,” he rambled. Once he’d finished, he took a deep breath and looked at Kurt properly to see that he looked like he was trying hard not to laugh. “You think a grilled cheese sandwich gave you powers? You’re joking, right?”

His words stung and Finn’s face fell as he dropped his gaze to his knees. He didn’t even know what he’d done this time but Kurt was always pushing him away these days and it kind of hurt.

“Right…it was a stupid thing to assume. I know, it’s just I broke a glass by holding it too tight and I keep getting really warm around you. Sorry for bothering you,” he muttered. He wanted to just get up and go kick his chair over but his mom might wake up if they started fighting and he didn’t want to upset her. So all he could do was crawl back over to his blow up mattress and lie with his back to Kurt.

He heard Kurt sigh and shift about before he climbed back into the bed.

“I’m pretty sure it’s nothing as major as you suddenly having gained powers Finn and you weren’t bothering me. I’m just…tired.”

Finn just grunted.

Kurt sighed and Finn heard the sheets shift again before he felt a hand touch his shoulder briefly. “I’m sure it’s nothing to worry about Finn. You’re probably just over thinking things,” he commented and his words reassured Finn slightly. At least he was touching him a little again.

As they fell back into silence, both boys felt awkward and wished the situation could be different.


Cartoons and Fanfiction

To be honest, watching Cardcaptors wasn’t something that Finn was proud of. It was clearly aimed at girls but as a child it had always seemed pretty awesome. He’d wanted to be like Li but his mom had once joked that he was more like a mix between Sakura and Kero. He’d sulked for a week. He’d only started speaking to his mom again when she’d brought home ice cream and had told him he could just have ice cream for dinner.

He’d been 8…what could he say.

He hadn’t even thought about the show in years but when he’d came across a dvd of the show in a pawn shop, he’d remembered it all.

It had been kind of awkward taking it up to the cash register and paying for it, the man had certainly shot him a funny look but Finn had just flushed and shoved the money into his hands before scurrying off with the dvd. He hadn’t even waited for his change.

When he’d gotten home, he’d shoved it into his desk drawer and had gone online to look the series us. He hadn’t watched it in years but he knew it was originally Japanese and that it was originally a comic. He just wanted to remember what it was about and see what people his age said about it.

He trolled forums and fan sites and it was all a lot more gay then he remembered. There was a lot of straight stuff, he knew that, lots of people still liked Sakura and ‘Syaoran’ - that was apparently Li’s original name - together. But there was all this stuff about the brother and his best friend and even Sakura’s best friend Madison actually having a crush on her or something. It was so weird looking back.

So one afternoon a few days later, once his mom and Burt had gone out to work and Kurt had gone shopping with Mercedes and Rachel so he was left home alone.

He’d only gotten through one episode when Kurt came home early, complaining about how Mercedes hadn’t been able to come and shopping purely with Rachel was driving him crazy. He paused when he saw what was on the television screen though.

“Finn…are you watching a little girl’s cartoon?”

Finn quickly thought up the best excuse he could,

“But there’s lesbians!”

Kurt stared at him for a few moments before he raised an eyebrow.

“Excuse me?”

With an awkward laugh Finn patted the seat next to him and with another funny look, Kurt moved over and took a seat next to him.

They sat and watched episodes for a few hours, Finn explaining the stuff he’d recently found out and explaining that he’d only really been into it as a kid because he’d wanted to be a bit like Li.

And as they watched, Finn couldn’t help but notice some things. Like the way Madison fawned over Sakura was like how Kurt used to fawn over him and Sakura just never seemed to realize. He hadn’t realized at first either, would they be getting along better now if he’d never realized.

Soon after that their parents returned home though and that DVD went off.


That night, from the safety of his own bedroom, he searched through stuff discussing Sakura and ‘Tomoyo’s’ - Madison’s Japanese name apparently - relationship and how and why people liked it and he was starting to wonder, had people ever thought like this about him and Kurt. They weren’t best friends but they’d gotten closer now they were step-brothers and his mom had once said he was like Sakura.

He frowned, he supposed Puck was a bit like the brother, mocking him but showing he did care really. He’d teased Finn about liking Kurt a good few times in the past. He supposed Blaine was Li, the guy Kurt ended up with who helped him out and everyone expected them to be together. Wait…that would make sense if Kurt was Sakura but he was Madison and Madison was alone…ah, whatever. He knew what he was talking about.

Finn sighed, why was he even making these comparisons. He rubbed at his eyes, he must be tired.


The next few times they watched the cartoon together, Kurt started noticing pointing out some of the similarities.


After they’d watched the final episode, Finn kissed Kurt.

He didn’t know why he’d done that but he had.

Maybe the show had done him some good.



Finn wasn’t stupid.

He’d seen the way Kurt had been looking at that Sam kid, seen that self-confident smirk as he eyed Sam from the distance, how eager he’d seemed to speak to him and his slightly flirtatious attitude. And Finn didn’t like that, not one bit. He didn’t know why he was so upset, couldn’t explain the searing heat and anger bubbling up in his stomach as he watched them together,

Apparently Kurt was going to work with Sam for the duets project in glee.

No way that was going to happen if Finn had his way.

So when Rachel had told him that they should get Sam and Quinn to work together and let them win, well, of course he had agreed.

Warning Kurt off hadn’t been easy, he’d had to get nasty, it wasn’t like Finn had wanted to hurt him but sometimes it was the only thing he could do. Not that Kurt had responded well.

He guessed he was just going to have to show him that he cared.


He waited until after Glee club, after Kurt’s solo performance, silently following Kurt out of the classroom and over to his car. He stood behind him until Kurt had turned on his heel to glare up at him.

“What do you want? Why are you even following me Finn? Haven’t you upset me enough?” he snapped, arms crossed across his chest defensively.

Finn looked down at him, stepping forwards until Kurt was backed up against the car.

“I just wanted to tell you how great your performance was,” he told him. Kurt snorted, straightening up and pushing Finn slightly away so he could turn around and open his car door.

“Yeah, I’m sure you loved it. I was alone after all. Sure it wasn’t too gay for you?” he snipped. A hand slammed against the top of the car, making Kurt pause as he turned his head to look up the arm.

“You really think I felt like that?”

Kurt stayed frozen for a few seconds before he sighed and climbed into the car.

“Sometimes I really don’t know,” he answered sincerely. He sat there, staring at the steering wheel as Finn pulled away with a frown.

“I don’t Kurt…I…I just didn’t want you to end up getting hurt when Sam snapped because you’d destroyed his chances,” he admitted, only half-lying before he scurried away.

Shutting his car door, Kurt frowned before he shut the door and drove away.

Did Finn really think he believed that?


Finn did mean it though and he was only just starting to understand why he’d been getting so upset and to be honest, it scared him.

He thought he might be falling for Kurt Hummel, thought that he might have been jealous only Kurt didn’t realise it and he was probably too late now.


fanfic, fic rating: g, fic rating: pg

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