Title: Mood Medicine
Fandom: Numb3rs
Pairing: Charlie Eppes / Colby Granger
Disclaimer: Not mine, etc.
Feedback: Always Welcome
Previous Chapters here:
Numb3rs Main List “What are you looking at, Chuck?” Don asked and gave Charlie an annoyed look.
“You’ve been doing that several times and you always say `nothing`. What are
you looking at?”
“Okay, but promise you wont get angry.”
“I promise.”
Charlie abandoned his slice of pizza, got up from the couch and approached
Don. He leaned closer and pulled Don’s hair.
“Owwww! What the hell did you do that for?”
“Take a look.” Charlie handed the hair over to Don. “Your first gray hair. Should
I get the camera? This is the first day of the rest of your life.”
“That’s not gray!” Don groaned. “That’s just… a trick of light.”
Charlie pulled the window open. “Colby, would you come here for a second?”
Colby appeared to the window, all sweaty and dirty. “What is it?”
“Take a look at that hair. What colour is it?”
Colby looked at it and shrugged. “Gray.”
“Good boy, you can go back.”
“Okay, babe.” Colby left and Charlie closed the window.
“Firstly, what is he doing out there?” Don asked.
“Gardening. He likes doing that stuff, and I like watching it. When I go out to
watch him, he takes his shirt off just for me. It’s like watching Baywatch,
knowing you can take the leading man home with you when the show’s over.”
“Sorry I asked. Secondly, I can’t believe this!”
“You mean the gray hair?”
“What else?”
“Well, you’ve been showing some other signs too….”
“Signs of what?”
“The upcoming big forty.”
“That’s still years away.”
“Math never was your strong area…”
“Fine, it’s coming.” Don grumbled. “What other signs?”
“You haven’t noticed those either?”
“What signs?”
“Let’s just say, this obviously isn’t the first time you’ve been pigging with pizza.”
“Are you saying I’m getting fat?”
“Not fat. I just meant that gravity is about to catch you.”
“This is ridiculous…. I can still fit into my old jeans that I used when I was
in college.”
“Don, they’re old, they’ve stretched. Just like you.”
Don looked at him for a long time. “I can’t believe this… I mean I’ve been living
as healthily as this career allows.”
“Don’t know about that… During this conversation you ate two more slices.”
“Did I?”
“You did. And you didn’t even notice!”
“I’m gonna be one of those men…. Have you seen Henderson?”
“Agent Henderson, works in organised crimes.”
“Never heard of him.”
“He turned forty, he got bald, he got fat and his wife left him. All in five years.”
“Don you’re not getting bald, you’re getting gray. You’re not getting fat, you’re
just not as firm as you were. And you don’t have a wife to loose.”
“What about Martin?”
“He’s not leaving you because you’re not young and pretty.”
“Did you have to put it like that?”
“Don, some people like that kind of… you know, mature man. And Martin hasn’t
been complaining so far, has he?”
“So stop worrying. It doesn’t affect your life one bit.”
“Okay…. but what do you think….”
“About what?”
“Should I start dying my hair?”
“Don, just get over it. Look at dad, he’s pretty well preserved for a guy of his age.”
“That’s true…. What about you?”
“What about me?”
“Aren’t you scared of it?”
“Getting old? Not really. This amount of hair doesn’t go away overnight, and Colby
likes it when I’m little bit soft. He thinks it’s sexy as hell.” Charlie grinned.
“I don’t want to know, Chuck.”
“Are you sure?” Charlie’s grin grew even wider. “I don’t mind telling.”
“I know you don’t mind telling, and you know I don’t want to hear.”
“Your loss. You wanna hear my cure for those insecurities?”
“What cure?”
“When I have day like that I take some of my special medicine, enjoy it to the
fullest, and then go and screw Colby’s brains out.”
“Chuck! I told you I don’t want to hear!”
“Fine, be a prude. I’ll go get us some of my mood medicine.” Charlie bounced up
and headed to the kitchen. Few minutes later he returned with two spoons and
a huge tub of ice bream.
“That’s your cure?” Don chuckled.
“Yep. Helps every time.” Charlie handed him a spoon.
“What is it, chocolate?”
“With extra chocolate chips. But I poured some chocolate sauce on top of it.
For medicinal purposes.”
“Of course.”
“Now shut up and dig in. You’ll feel better right away.”