Fic: North of the Border, Chapter 1 (Numb3rs, Don Eppes / Martin, NC-17)

Oct 04, 2010 19:54

Title: North of the Border, Chapter 1
Fandom: Numb3rs
Pair: Charlie Eppes / Colby Granger,
Don Eppes / Martin Fridegord
Rating: NC-17 
Disclaimer: Not mine, etc.
Feedback: Always Welcome 

NUMB3RS Main List


“Is that you?” Don groaned. He couldn’t be bothered to break the warm relaxed feeling by lifting his head off the pillow and see who had just walked into their hotel room.

“No, room service.” Martin chuckled, closing the door behind him. He walked to the end of the bed and took a good look at the man laying on it. “Massage?”
“The whole roll and poke package.” Don grinned. “A woman, who speaks very little English, but can do really nice things with her hands. And then that muddy thing…” He stretched himself like a cat basking in the sunlight. “How was your speech?”

“As well as those things can go.” Martin went to the door of the adjoined room, peeked inside and came back. “Where’s Tommy?”
“They had some kiddie day in the spa…  There was a whole group of them.”
“Under supervision?”

Don looked up and gave him a hurt look, that didn’t appear as genuine as it probably was meant to look.

“Yeah, it was supervised!”
“I was just checking. What time is it over?”
“Around…” Don twirled his head like an overturned turtle. “What time is it?”
“Three thirty-four.”
“Around five. We gotta pick him up from the front desk.”

Martin nodded and started to pull off his tie. Don’s eyes followed the dark green and silvery tie as it was neatly folded and placed onto the desk.

“You could have left that on.” He patted the mattress. “Come here.”
“For a nap?”
“I’m already halfway out of it…” Don grinned lazily. “I’ve been pounded and tenderised like a piece of meat, I don’t think I can move a muscle right now.”
“Who did you get?”

“… Sophie.” Don decided after a short consideration. “I think she said Sophie, but I was already with my face down that hole in the table, so I’m not sure.”
“She’s good.” Martin pulled off his suit jacket and placed it on an empty hanger. “If you’re planning to get another massage before we fly home, ask for Melissa. She’s even better.” He sat down on the edge of the bed, unbuttoning his dress shirt.

“Can I stay here?” Don pulled hands up, nestling them under his pillow and causing his fluffy bathrobe to open a bit more. “You could just tell the big bosses I`m overworked and I need to stay here being pampered for… couple years. You and Tommy could come and visit me on weekends.”

“I doubt they would buy that explanation.” Martin chuckled. “But speaking of Tommy, I had that discussion with him, that we talked about.”

Don gave him a blank look.

“About bedroom doors, and how he should knock if he needs something.” He leaned down and pressed his palm on the spot of bare skin the robe had revealed. “He’s not going to pop out from somewhere when we’re doing things behind closed doors.”

“Are you sure?” Don asked sceptically.
“I’m sure and…” Martin’s hand wandered higher, caressing the skin of Don’s throat, just under the line where his stubble started. “… we haven’t had sex once since he moved in with us.”
“It’s only been two weeks-”

“Don, as much as I appreciate that you don’t want to traumatise him, using normal good sense is allowed. His bedroom is two doors away from ours and there’s a lock on our door.” He pressed a small kiss under Don’s chin, where his hand had just been. “And we have some time before we need to go get him.” His lips moved on to nip Don’s ear. “If you’re too exhausted after Sophie’s treatment, you don’t need to move.”

“I don’t?” Don asked, but his little agent was already reacting to the offer.
“No.” Martin kissed him on the lips and Don pulled him all the way down to lay on him. The kiss turned deeper and Don’s hands tried blindly to push Martin’s shirt off of him. The man pulled back, straddling Don’s hips and pulled the unwanted piece of clothing off. He leaned closer again, pressing Don against the mattress and capturing his lips in another kiss.

Don groaned as the lips moved lower, licking and nipping the side of his throat, sliding down to his chest. The robe was pushed out of the way, and Martin’s teeth found Don’s nipple.

“Are you sure I don’t need to do anything?” Don sighed, tossing his head back against the pillow. “I’m kinda getting there…”

Martin moved down and tickled the man’s bellybutton on the way.
“Getting where?”
“Up…” Don groaned, pushing his hips upwards. “You know how it goes: When the little guy gets going, the rest of me goes along.”
“I know.” Martin gave Don’s cock a friendly squeeze and pushed Don’s legs apart so he could settle between them. His fingers travelled up and down the shaft, bringing it to full hardness. “You want me to treat the spots Sophie missed?” He planted a soft kiss just under Don’s bellybutton.

“Yeah…” Don sighed obediently. He had long ago learned that short answers worked well when a large part of his blood quantity was occupied under the waistline. “Yeah.”

Martin wrapped his lips around the head of Don’s cock, slid slowly down and up again, drawing lazy patterns with his tongue. The reaction was exactly what he had expected: Don wiggled involuntarily under him and moaned huskily. Don tried to keep his hands in check, and resist the temptation to grab Martin’s head, instead he stretched his hands above his head, clinging to the metallic headboard.

The growing pressure was becoming too much, and he tried to gasp out words as clearly as he could.
“Maybe… maybe…” The lack of breath kept interrupting him. “Maybe two weeks is… too long.” The message didn’t seem to reach the man between his legs. “I’m close-”

Martin pulled away and gave him a knowing grin.
“I told you two weeks is too long.” He pulled back, sitting on his bent legs and unzipped his dress pants. “Did she massage your back too?”
“Yeah.” Don smiled, trying to look nonchalant, but couldn’t control the wide grin spreading on his lips. “You wanna finish that side too?”
“I didn’t finish anything yet.”

Don flopped over to lay on his front and spread his legs, so Martin could crawl between them. Martin’s hands landed on Don’s shoulders and pressed lightly into the relaxed muscles.

“She really did a good job, your back is usually full of knots.” He stroked the muscles under the skin, down Don’s spine, and paused just above his buttocks. His fingers sunk tentatively into the soft flesh, massaging the cheeks. “She still has her rules about what’s appropriate and what’s not?”

“Yeah, I got to hear them as soon as I walked in.” Don chuckled against his pillow. “Some spots are off-limits and you can’t take the towel off no matter what.”

Martin kissed the warm skin of Don’s buttocks, then spread the cheeks and ran the tips of his fingers across the puckered entrance.
“Are you relaxed now?”

“Getting more and more tense.” Don pushed himself back against the palms. “How long do you think I’ll last after two weeks?”

“Probably as long as I will.” Martin’s tongue swiped Don’s opening, sending shivers up the man’s spine. He pushed the tip of one finger against the hole, not quite pressing it in. “How do you want to go? Long way or the shortcut?”

“Shortcut.” Don groaned, twisting his head so he could see the man. “It’s been too long." He was too turned on to care how unmanly his whining sounded. "We can do long and tender later.”

“As you want.” Martin agreed and leaned down to rummage the small carry-on bag that was waiting on the floor. He pulled a small bottle of lubrication from the side pocket, snapped it open and coated few fingers with lube. He pressed one against the opening, this time pushing it inside. Don stilled, waiting for the first shock to go away, then relaxed around him and wiggled against the finger.


A happy moan escaped his throat as the second finger joined the first. Third one was quickly allowed in and the trio pressed against Don’s sweet spot, making stars explode in front of his closed eyes. He pushed back, almost getting up on all fours. “I said shortcut! No teasing.”

Martin pulled his fingers out and picked up the lube again. Don was torn between two impulses: Whether to get up and make the man hurry up, or just continue enjoying the friction his cock was experiencing squeezed between his belly and the mattress. In the end he didn’t need to decide. Martin’s weight landed on him, covering his body from head to toe. His dick nestled between Don’s cheeks while he pressed small kisses on the side of Don’s neck. He reached down and guided his hard cock to Don’s opening.

Martin pushed in slowly, letting Don get comfortable, and started to thrust into him. Don quickly found a good rhythm of pushing back to meet Martin’s strokes, then pushing his hips down, rubbing his cock against the mattress. Two weeks of abstinence caught up on him quickly and he moaned softly. The warm lips kissing his shoulder turned out to be the last straw: He soaked the sheet beneath him.

Don moved along to Martin’s thrusts, his body reacting on its own, squeezing the pulsating cock. Martin let out a deep, low moan and came inside Don. He breathed heavily, resting on Don’s sweaty body while they both recovered from their climax.

“How the hell did I manage two weeks…?” Don mused quietly. “Too long. Way too damn long…”
“It is.” Martin agreed and petted Don’s sweaty hair. “And I told you there was no reason for it.”
“When we go back home… I wanna get another lock on our door.”
“We already have one.”

“Yeah, but the other one is for my peace of mind.”

Chapter 2

show: numb3rs, -nc-17, pair: don eppes / martin fridegord, numb3rs / one-off

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