Fic: Leading by Example, Chapter 10 (CSI Miami / NY, Ryan / Eric, Flack / Hawkes)

Jul 05, 2010 20:30

Title: Leading By Example, Chapter 10
Fandom: CSI Miami / CSI NY
Pair: Ryan Wolfe / Eric Delko,
Sheldon Hawkes / Don Flack
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Not mine, etc.

CSI NY Main List     CSI Miami Main List

Chapter 1     Chapter 2     Chapter 3     Chapter 4     Chapter 5     Chapter 6 (NC-17)     Chapter 7 (NC-17)     Chapter 8     Chapter 9

Ryan cracked one eye open and started planning how to kill Eric as painfully as possible. The off-tune singing coming from the kitchen was quickly destroying his restful morning. He got up and pulled his bathrobe from the closet on his way to the kitchen.


The man shovelling scrambled eggs on two plates ignored him and continued singing Quantanamera from the top of his lunges. Ryan took the morning paper from the table and smacked him on the head.

“You’re awake!” Eric had the common sense to try to look sorry. “Great, we’re gonna leave soon.”
“Did we get called in?”
“Some kind of emergency?”
“Your car was towed away again?”
“You finally figured out what I did with your underwear?”
“No, and… What about my underwear?”
“So you didn’t know. Nothing, absolutely nothing.” Ryan picked up the other plate and started shovelling scrambled eggs into his mouth. “Let’s move on, why are you up so early?”
“What about my underwear?”
“I… I always hated your Garfield undies.”
“Wolfie, you’re a lousy liar.”
“Okay, I’ll tell you, but remember you would have thrown them away anyway.”
“Why would I have thrown them away and are we still talking about Garfield?”
“I’ll rephrase that: I would have thrown them away and this way they served a good cause.”
“What cause?”
“I got our days off on the same dates.”

“What does that have to do with Garfield?”
“Miss Golden, who does the shiftlists wanted something personal in exchange for changing the dates.”
“You gave her my Garfield boxers?”
“What the hell did she do with them?”
“I don’t know. Last I heard she was recovering from some freaky bedroom accident.”
“I thought she was on vacation.”
“No, she broke her hip.”
“Does that have something with my Garfield?”
“I haven’t heard all the details, but it sounds like it.”


“Don’t tell me…” Don stared at Hawkes, drawing in deep breaths to control himself.
“It’s not what it looks like-”
“Come on, I can see what it is.” Don frowned. “You’re one of those twisted perverts…”
“I’m not, not completely anyway-”
“Shelly… I don’t know if I can get over this little surprise.”
“What if I get you a cup of coffee?”
“Then I might reconsider.”

Hawkes poured another cup of coffee and handed it carefully over to Don. He took a sip, then emptied the mug with one gulp. A look of satisfaction melted his expression.

“I’ll forgive you this time, but try to control it.”
“I’ll try.” Hawkes agreed with a dramatic eye roll. “Why does everyone hate morning persons?”
“I just told you. Because it’s unnatural, perverted and really annoying.”


“Is this really necessary?” Ryan fiddled with the loose end of his blindfold, but didn’t try to pull it off. “And where are we going?”

“It’s a surprise.” Eric grinned and focused on manoeuvring his car out of the main road. “Just sit back and relax. We’re going for a little daytrip.”
“On a Sunday? Normally you just want to laze around the bed.”
“Special occasion. We’re gonna spend the six month anniversary with my family, so we’ll celebrate in advance.”
“Does that really require a blindfold?”

“Now what? I’ll just wait here for… how long?”
“I’ll tell you when we get there.”
“Can we put on the radio?”
“It’s broken.” Eric stated and took a quick glance at Ryan to make sure the blindfold was still in place. “I’ve been meaning to get it fixed.”
“Any other ideas to kill time?”
“Yeah, but we would have to pull over… I guess we could just talk.”
“How often do we just talk?”
“There’s a good reason why we don’t talk. We talk when we have something to say, we don’t do small talk to fill the gaps.”

“We could… play Truth or Dare?” Eric suggested with a wide smirk. “Ever played that?”
“Great idea.” Ryan stated dryly. “And then we could talk about boys and braid each others hair like teenage girls at slumber parties always do.”
“Is that your way of saying you have a better idea?”

“Eric…” Ryan sighed and groaned loudly. “Fine, let’s play and I’ll start. Where are we going?”
“You didn’t even ask: Truth or Dare.”
“Truth or Dare?”
“I dare you to tell me where we’re going.”
“We’re going forward, my turn. Truth or Dare?”
“Your first time.”
“That wasn’t a question.”
“Fine. How did you loose it?”
“I’m just about to loose it…”
“Virginity, Wolfie. All the dirty details.”
“Fine.” Ryan sighs once more, this time as a sign of surrender. “Guys or girls?”
“Which one came first?”

“Lets hear it.”
“Coach Greer.”
“Coach of what?”
“My high school’s baseball team. The actual coach had a heart attack in the beginning of the semester and he came to fill in.”
“I didn’t know you were in the baseball team.”
“I wasn’t. I was so skinny you could have put me next to a broomstick and then get us mixed up. I wasn’t that into sports anyway. I was a pretty good swimmer and biker, but I didn’t even wanna be in any team. I hated that whole high school jock mentality.”
“Then how did you get involved with the coach?”
“I crashed into his car with my bike.”

“And that somehow lead to your first time?” Eric rewinded the scenario in his head.
“No need to say it like that. It didn’t happen as a payment for the damage.”
“I didn’t say that-”
“But you were thinking about it. It didn’t even happen until months later. We started talking, and it kinda took off from there.”
“What was he like?”
“Imagine a living GI Joe doll. He had just got off the army and he was studying to be a physical therapist, coaching was just a side gig.”

“And he was willing to wait for months-” Eric stooped himself  while his brain reminded him of something. “High school… How old were you? And how old was he?”
“When we met I was seventeen and he was twenty-four.” Ryan was grinning and even under the blindfold his eyes seemed to twinkle a bit. “Nothing happened until I turned eighteen.”
“Well that’s good.”
“It happened about five minutes after I turned eighteen.”

“What happened then?”
“We took a nap.”
“I mean how did it end-”
“I know what you meant.” Ryan nodded slightly. “I went away for the summer, when I came back the old coach was back and that was the end of that story.”
“He didn’t call you or something?”
“We agreed at the end of the semester that we wouldn’t try the long distance thing. It wasn’t some big heartbreak if that’s what you were thinking.”

“So no hard feelings?”
“Can I tell about my first time?”
“It’s my turn to ask.”
“Ask me.”
“I don’t want to know.”
“I’m not asking.”
“Ask me, my story has everything: Hot action, backseat of her dad’s car, a meter maid, two enchiladas and a trip to the ER.”
“If I have to choose between your story and awkward silence, I’d rather choose silence.”
“And if you can’t choose?”
“I promise, I’ll cut the padding and go straight for the porny parts.”
“There’s no avoiding that story, is there?”
“Only way to escape it is jumping out of the car.”

Chapter 11 (NC-17)

show: csi miami, pair: don flack / sheldon hawkes, show: csi ny, csi miami / one-off, pair: ryan wolfe / eric delko, csi ny / one-off

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