Fic: Sleepy Reminder (Criminal Minds, Hotch / Chad, Jack)

May 23, 2010 19:52

Title: Sleepy Reminder
Pair: Aaron Hotchner / Chad Christensen
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Not mine, etc 
Feedback: Always Welcome.

Special thanks to krebsbach for the bunny :)

Criminal Minds Main List

Hotch pulled the chair from under the table and sat down. He eyed the man on the other side of the table and tried to compare him to the younger version he had met several years ago.

Vincent Perotta had lost much of his intimidating appearance. Where as most of the inmates used the chances for exercise, Perotta seemed to have slumped in every since. His posture was grouchy, making his sluggish body seem even more bloated. His head was shaved bald, but most of his face was covered by a thick, bushy beard. He tilted his head up and cuffs clinked against the table. The sound echoed in the small room, followed by an ear-scratching noise as Perotta pushed his chair further away from the table.

“Agent Hotchner. They dragged me all the way here, so I think we could move on to first name basis.”


“Can we come in?”

Chad lifted his head and waved Hailey to step in. The little boy in her arms was wrapped tightly around her and dozing peacefully against her shoulder.
“Aaron wasn’t in his office.” She explained. “Actually the whole building looked like a ghost town.”
“The new crop of students got their first extended weekend leave, and the BAU team has six days off.” He got up from behind his desk and relieved her from the sleepy cargo. “Safety regulations. They had a ten day case out of state, so they can’t be called in until the six days are gone. People make mistakes when they’re tired and too stressed.”

“I know the feeling. You wouldn’t believe how many dishes I broke when Jack was teething.” Hailey kept her voice down. “Anyway, I thought I’d come and see if you’re still here. Aaron said he was just going to come in for few hours and then start the weekend early.”

“Yeah, he’s consulting another team. They’re doing some kinda background interviews on criminals for research purposes.”
“How long will that take?”
“Probably not too long. They thought it would be better if someone from the team that arrested him would be there to start the interview. They moved up the interview, because they’re scheduling the execution. They want to get the interview done before the penitentiary people start missing him.” Jack crawled sleepily under Chad’s leatherjacket and continued his nap. “No idea why they bother, the creep’s been waiting in line to get the injection for years.”

“I thought Virginia didn’t have death penalty anymore.”
“But Maryland has. They lent the guy for the interviews.”
“I don’t want to know.” Hailey shook her head. “I don’t want to know about those guys anymore than I read in the newspaper.”

“Yeah. The creep’s already been convicted, what does it matter what he was thinking when he killed people?” Chad looked down, but Jack was obviously in no state to eavesdrop on their conversation. “Anyway, I just came in to get some papers, and I was gonna head home. I could see if Aaron’s ready-”
“That would be great.” She glared at her clock. “I know I’m early, but-”
“It’s okay. If Aaron’s not done, I’ll take him home. I was gonna leave soon anyway.”
“He had some nightmares last night, so he’s been taking a lot of naps.”
“We’ll be fine.” Chad re-positioned his hand under Jack for a better hold. “And I promise, I won’t try to recruit him behind your back.”
“At least not before he’s a little bit older.”


“What is it, Hotchner? Not gruesome enough for you?”

“Not consistent enough.” Hotch countered. “Last time you claimed the parental abuse was mild and you called it…”He pulled a print from the folder and pretended to search for the right words. “…You said he “Smacked me around some. Didn’t everybody’s old man?.”

“I said that, but you didn’t listen. You kept going on and on.”
“Because we both knew you weren’t telling the truth. What I would like to know, is why you want to change your story now when it doesn’t matter anymore? You lost your appeal.”


“How are they doing?” Chad pushed the door open and walked into the observation room with Jack hanging on to him like a sleepy chimpanzee.

“Going back and forth.” Agent Walker gave him a little nod. “Haven’t seen you in while.”
“That’s the drawback of promotion, I’m not travelling around that much anymore. I got an office upstairs and everything.”
“I got a cubicle and first dibs at the coffee machine. When they actually remember to fill it.”
“It’s a good start.”
“I’m not complaining.” Walker eyed the light-haired boy, who had gone right back to sleep. “I’m gonna make wild guess: That’s not yours.”

“What? You can’t see the resemblance?” Chad chuckled and looked at the observation window. “Aaron’s kid.”
“Agent Hotchner`s?”
“Yeah. His mom just dropped him off for the weekend…” Chad’s voice lowered and the look on his face turned into a frown. “You better take a break soon.”
“Why?” Walker looked at the two men in the interrogation room.
“He’s trying to control himself and not move. See that little tick? Almost under the jawbone.”
“Trust me, I’ve seen that often enough to know what it means.” He didn’t bother to mention the exact circumstances of those previous observations. “Hands are next.”
“Right… now.” Chad nodded. Hotch had moved his hand on top of the other, stroking the skin of his fingers.”
“Am I missing something?”
“Ring finger. A lot of divorced guys do that. I know when Aaron does that, and it`s not a good sign. He can keep his face blank, but everyone has his own tells. Give them couple minutes and call him out.”

“Okay.” Walker nodded. “Are you staying or…?”
“I was gonna leave, but I think I’ll take Jack up to my office for a while.” Chad’s hand rubbed the kid’s back through the worn leatherjacket. “Can you tell Aaron that I’ll be there till five? If he’s not awake by then, I’ll drive him home like this. If Aaron’s ready, he could come on the same ride, he was going to borrow a company car anyway.”

“I’ll tell him.” Walked agreed. He didn’t bother to ask whose home the man was referring to. The gossip had flown between Quantico and field offices quickly enough, and new pairings were old news within few weeks. “Should I be worried that he’ll do something stupid?”

“Like what? Beat that guy to pulp?” Chad tilted his eyebrows. “No, he’ll just keep everything inside his head.”


“Why don’t you just ask what you wanna ask?” Perotta chuckled and leaned back in his chair. “You had all the answers last time, so go ahead.”

“We know your father was a major factor in your development-”
“What’s with the we? You didn’t need to put up with the old bastard, I did. I got no reason to talk good about the man.”
“You didn’t want to admit it last time. What he did to you and why.”
“Why?” Perotta repeated. “Why do they do half the stuff they do? Maybe some kids deserve it.”

The door was pulled open and Walker stepped in.
“Agent Hotchner, may I have a word with you? We’ll take a little break.”

Hotch didn’t object. He got up and walked out of the interviewing room with Walker in tow. Walker gestured the guard to stay with Perrotta and closed the door.

“Your son was just here.”
“He was with agent Christensen. He asked me to tell you that they’ll be in his office, and if you’re ready before five, you can catch a ride with them.” Walker paused and observed Hotchner`s softened expression. “I can take over from here, if you want to-”
“No.” Hotch sighed. “No. I’ll be back in five minutes. Might as well finish this.”


The quick walk up the stairs and through the hallways was a quiet one. Most of the building was dark and those who were still in, were busy getting ready to leave. Hotch headed for the lit window where the blinds were closed. He was about to knock on the door frame, but instead just took a moment to observe the scene.

Jack was curled up in one of the stuffed armchairs with Chad’s jacket draped over him. Chad was sitting behind his desk working his way through a pile of personnel folders.

“Hey.” Hotch greeted quietly. He walked in and crouched down on one knee to look at the sleeping kid. “You knew I would come here. Didn’t you?”

“Who knows…” Chad smirked and got up from behind his desk. He crouched down next to Hotch and brushed few runaway strands of hair of the boy’s forehead. “How are you feeling?”

“Not buying it.”
“Quite good.”
“Still no.”
“You know me too well.”
“You better remember that.”
“I… needed a little reminder.” Hotch stated slowly. His fingers trailed the worn surface of the leather jacket. “That I haven’t screwed up so badly that Jack would end up blaming me thirty years from now.”

“I think that phase comes anyway when he hits puberty and everything is parent’s fault and they don’t know anything about anything.” Chad commented. He placed his hand on the man’s back and rubbed the tense muscles. “But all kids do that.”
“When he’s a teenager he can blame me all he wants as long as he grows up normal and balanced.”

Neither one of them said a word for few minutes. Chad kept rubbing soothing circles on Hotch`s back and waited.

“I should get back there.”
“No hurry. Walker knows what he’s doing.”
“I’ll… I’ll go back in a minute.” Hotch sighed deeply. “In a minute.”

cm / one-off, show: criminal minds, pair: aaron hotchner / chad christensen

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