Fic: Watcher, Chapter 4 (CSI Miami, Ryan Wolfe / Eric Delko)

May 08, 2010 19:52

Title: Watcher, Chapter 4
Pairing: Ryan Wolfe / Eric Delko
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: Not mine, etc.
Feedback: Always Welcome

CSI Miami Main List

Chapter 1   Chapter 2   Interlude   Chapter 3

“How can stuff like this make a man kill someone?” Eric wondered and observed the blood covered stiletto heel in an evidence bag. “Doesn’t make any sense.”

“Have you ever seen women in spring sales?” Calleigh countered.
“Professional killers have nothing on those killer instincts.”
“Do they actually hurt each other?”
“Accidents happen. When someone slips and falls to the ground and then a group of people walks all over her to get the last pair of crocodile pumps… That can kill all trust in female solidarity.”
“Yeah, but women are ruthless-”
“They are, men are not like that!”
“Thanks a lot, but the man who did this killed an innocent woman, because he wanted her clutch and her designer dresses. What does that tell you about men?”

“Don’t generalise-”
“I won’t if you don’t.”
“What? Women can talk about women but men can’t say anything negative about them?”
“Yeah, and we reserve the right to talk about our men when we’re with our girlfriends.”
“And what are guys supposed to do?”
“Take a sport magazine and lock yourself to the bathroom.” Calleigh checked the screen of her cellphone. A long day and a frustrating case seemed to bring out her bitchiest sides. She read the message and let out a long sigh. “And speaking of men… vice just picked up a guy, whose fingerprints match the previous cases.”
“Why did they pick him up?”
“He got caught trying to steal woman’s lingerie from a clothesline in someone’s backyard.”

“He got caught stealing frilly knickers?” Eric looked slightly nauseous. “The creep couldn’t even go out with a bang.”
“You kill people and then you get caught because you couldn’t keep your hands away from women’s lingerie? It’s not right.”
“Eric, focus. They matched his prints to the ones we found at the murder scenes. They’re keeping him in lockup for now, so we can talk to him in the morning.”
“Why not now?”
“He’s high on something and keeps babbling about his training bra. If you want to try talking to him now, go ahead.”
“No thanks.” Eric raised his hands up in mock surrender. “I’ll sign out and get a good night sleep.”

“For some reason I can’t wait to see you interrogating that guy.” Calleigh smirked. “Remember to wear clean underwear, the topic may come up.”


Eric could feel something was wrong as soon as he twisted the key in the lock. He pulled out his gun and stepped slowly into the apartment. The lights in the living room were on and head sneaked in slowly, trying to be as quiet as he could.

He saw the man sitting on the couch and froze. He was still holding his gun.

“About time, you got off duty an hour ago.” Wolfe stated. He didn’t bother to look up from the laptop he had placed on the coffee table.
“How the hell did you get in?”
“I told your landlady I was your long lost Anglo-Saxon twin brother.” Ryan finally looked up and gave him  a little grin. “I showed him my badge and said I had to get some case notes you had here.”
“And she bought it?” Eric noticed the footage running on the laptop screen. His mind went offline for a minute, then rebooted and started twirling like a tornado.

“You came just in time for the big finale.” Ryan turned the laptop so Eric could see it better. The footage was grainy, and obviously shot through a window. Eric could see himself standing in front of the window, stroking himself to a climax. He realise the man on the screen was wearing the same clothes he had worn the day before.

“You… what did you get that?”
“Here’s a lesson for you, and you better remember it.” Ryan stated. “Every time you’re watching someone, someone else is watching you.”
“You… you knew?”
“Couple days after Chris moved to the next building he told me about this perv, who was always looking at him. I put two and two together.”
“You knew I was watching? You mean you…?”
“Set up a little trap? I guess you could call it that.”
“You’ve been sending mixed signal from the start.” Ryan shrugged. “I wanted to see if we could get some kind of reaction out of you.”

“What are you…?” Eric swallowed down the lump that was forming in his throat. “Where did you hide that camera?”

“Right in front of the window, you must have been really distracted if you missed that.”
“What are you gonna do with that?”
“You mean am I going to play it on the lab info monitors. And no, this is just for my personal viewing pleasure, so you can put your gun down. You kept sending weird signs at me, and you couldn’t keep your paws off your cock when Chris was having his little show in the privacy of his own home. Which one was it?”
“What do you mean?”
“Chris and I have an arrangement. When we’re both single we get together and have some fun. Just sex with a close friend.” Ryan gave him a stern glance. “You’ve been looking at both of us, together and alone. Now you have to make a move.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Me or him. If you want, I can hook you up with him. Or we can settle this here and now.”

Eric didn’t ask more questions, he understood the undercurrent in Ryan’s voice. He could feel his cock springing to life again, but this time it didn’t annoy him. Instead he leaned back a bit, spreading his legs to make the growing bulge apparent.

“I got a condition.” He put on his cockiest smile, but it seemed more than a bit forced. “I want what you gave to Taylor last night.”

The expression on Ryan’s face stilled, then a clear wave of anger showed up in his eyes.
“What do you mean-”
“Me and Chris fool around when there’s no one else and the deal is off if one of us finds someone. I’m not doing that with you.”
“You’re not?”

“No. All or nothing, Delko.”

Chapter 5 (NC-17)

show: csi miami, csi miami / series: watcher, pair: ryan wolfe / eric delko

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