Fic: Masquerade, Chapter 11/12 (CSI Miami, Ryan Wolfe / Eric Delko)

Feb 25, 2010 18:31

Title: Masquerade, Chapter 11/12
Pairing: Ryan Wolfe / Eric Delko
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: Not mine, etc.
Feedback: Always Welcome

CSI Miami Main List
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5 (NC-17)
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9 (NC-17)
Chapter 10 (NC-17)

Eric didn’t remember to turn his phne on till he reached the parking lot of his apartment building. It started ringing right away. He shut down the motor and snapped the phone open.

“Eric? I’ve been trying to call you all day.” Calleigh sighed, sounding slightly worried.
“Did we get a case?”
“No, and I just finished mine, so your day off is safe. I’ve been trying to call your home  number all day.”

“When do I ever answer my landline? I’m not even sure why I still got it…”
“And I called your cell, but you didn’t answer that either, I got worried.”
“I had it on mute, we were at the beach.”
“Who’s we?”
“Me and Wolfe.”
“What are you doing?”

“First you lead Cooper astray and now Ryan. What happened when you and Cooper were at the beach ogling girls?”
“I had nothing to do with that. I was just watching the volleyball game.”
“And he got a bucket of raw fish guts dumped on his head when he didn’t stop ogling.”

“Not my fault, I didn’t know that chick’s brother was coming back from a fishing trip! And Cooper was exactly the same douchbag before that. I didn’t corrupt him.”
“True… Now that we’re on that topic, I wanted to tell you to keep your personal affairs out of the lab. You’re lady friend stopped by today, bearing gifts.”

“Who and what kinda gifts?”
“The same one who yelled at you in the middle of the lobby last week.”
“Apparently she decided to forgive you, and when she didn’t find you at home she came here with a fruitcake.”
“Excuse me?”
“Literally. And some other pastries too, the break room is stocked for the next few weeks.”
“You left them in the break room? There’ll be nothing left when I come back next week!”
“You really want to spend your coffee break with a crazy woman’s muffin?”

“When you put it like that…”
“Frank told me to say thanks, he’s on cloud nine right now. He’s working on his fifth bun.”
“Of course… Well, tell him to chew well. When that woman from the achieves  brought a cake for her retirement party, he almost choked.”
“How would you know, you disappeared somewhere with that delivery girl from the bakery.”

“She wanted to show me her cupcakes.” Eric chuckled and got out of the car. “I got some free samples.”

“Does it ever get boring to objectify each and every woman under thirty?”
“I don’t objectify them all, just the good looking ones. Besides, I’ve been so heavily objectified for the last two days, so I think my karma’s in balance now.”

“Is that why you weren’t home when the Lady Lunatic was looking for you?”
“Yep. I just got home to get some fresh clothes.” He prodded the phone tighter against his ear as he leaped up the stairs. “I got plans for the night. Well… I don’t, but someone made the plans for me. You?”

“What about me?”
“Any plans for the evening?”
“Are you asking me to tag along?”
“No, it wouldn’t be your kind of a place.”
“What kind of a place is it?”
“Just trust me, you wouldn’t get lucky there.”
“Please, tell me it’s not one of those pick-up places with stripper poles and waitresses in leather thongs.”
“Why do you think that?” Eric tried to keep his voice steady, but a small giggle escaped his lips.

“When we had that stripper, who got stabbed to death on the dance floor, half the customers you by name. Or should I say, they all knew you by the same fake name.”
“Okay, you may have a point. But I’m not going to pick anyone up, I got company.”
“The same company that objectified you for two day in a row?”
“The one and only.” He pulled out his keys and opened the door to his apartment.

“Well, tell Ryan hi from me.”
“I will-” Eric’s mind blanked. “What?”
“I know you too well. When you’re hot and heavy with a new playmate, you don’t get out of bed to go to the beach with a co-worker, unless the playmate is the co-worker.”
“Don’t let him hear you call him a playmate.”
“I carry a gun, I’ll be fine. And if anyone has a reason to be worried for his safety, it’s you.”

“If Ryan ends up screaming at you in the lobby, Alexx will start carving your Y-incision while you’re still alive.”
“You know what she’s like.”
“I do.”
“And if you think this might blow up in your face, stop when you still can.”
“Way past that point, Call.”
“Then make sure you don’t screw it up.”
“Why do you just assume I would screw up?”
“How bout we ask that cake lady?”

A long silence followed.

“Did you have to remind me about her?”
“Don’t worry, I think she has her eyes on Cooper now.”
“She went from me to Cooper? She really is nutty…”
“You dumped her, not the other way around. Anyway, I have to finish my paperwork, see you Monday. And remember what I said.”
“I’ll remember. You got any wild plans for the weekend?”
“Yeah, there’s a Golden Girls marathon on TV. Two days of classic entertainment and aunty energy.”
“My mom loved that show, especially that blond one.”
“Rose? Three men died in her bed. Think about it.” Calleigh giggled. “And I think Blanche would be more your type.”
“Was she the slutty one?”
“Yeah. What?”

“I didn’t say anything.”
“Not you. I have to go, I think Frank’s choking on a bun.”
“Have fun.”
“You too, and watch out for Alexx, when she gets a whiff of this, you’ll be summoned to listen one of her Mama Bear lectures.” She lowered her voice. “In the morgue.”

“She’s scary enough, no need to advertise it.”
“Good boy. Bye.”

“Bye, Call.”

Chapter 12/12 (NC-17)

show: csi miami, csi miami / series: masquerade, pair: ryan wolfe / eric delko

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